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____________________________ Phil (patrask)~ Didn't go to the "blog" you noted, but looked over the link. Too big a question to answer in a few paragraphs, you know... Can only give you an answer as it is noted in scripture. But for 'time-and -space' (all those good things)...please let me give you an abbreviated, elementary Reader's Digest reply here, okay?! I mean, the really abbreviated kind... _ God allows evil. And, it is 'never ever' outside his control. ..... Why all the evil? Couple things: One is because the devil asked God for the freedom to do so, exercise his evil. (remember I am doing grade school explaining here) God has granted the devil the freedom to 'do his thing' so he can never argue with God that he was not allowed to do so. Scripture always refers to the world (the Earth) as 'cradled in the arms of the wicked one'. Scripture explains that God has given the world over to Satan to do as he wills. But again, God has the leash. There is coming a time when he will be, shall we simply say, unleashed. And then is coming a time when he will be fully destroyed. Even unleashed, God still contains the parameters. Okay, now let me up this a couple grades up: The devil has already been destroyed!! Secondly: When Christ was destroyed on the cross, the devil realized too late who he tried to destroy and was, in turn, destroyed in the process. Christ resurrected. He expressed all his evil upon one man, and the man lived again. Look at it the devil's destruction this way: a poison dose is given to someone and it's a matter of minutes or hours before he is dead; another way, the devil is already destroyed, but we humans live in a world and time when we have not actually seen this already happened and must 'live' thru the grooves of an old wax recording, (for those who know what that means)...experiencing every groove as a new moment in our lives or day or history, but the recording is set in wax and the final groove with the final notes of the funeral dirge is yet to be played...but is already there. Faith comes in play where we believe what has been stated as being true. We don't see it, but we believe it to be so and act accordingly. You can use other analogies. A reel of old film. The last scene is shot but we don;t see it if we are only 10 minutes into the reel. Scripture, shall we stretch the point here, let's us 'DVD-skip-style' to the scenes via reading God's word in scripture. Whatever happened in the Garden of Eden, so changed the relationship of God's created creature (us) in our relationship to our Creator, that scripture makes note that this reconcilliation that has taken place has nothing like it to compare in all of God's existence. In other words, it's never happened before. Angels fall and stay fallen. They are never restored to their original condition or state. But fallen man is given the power by God to return to his original state of being. If I try to elaborate on any word or phrase, I will be here until midnight... But then I went off on a tangent. And so...answering the question you originally posed, Why Does Got Permit Evil? Answer is: The devil asked to loose his evil and God agreed so to shut the mouth of the devil forever afterwards. The devil can never ask again. And for God to show all his creation (which we know practically nothing at all but only in terms like 'angels' and the like)...that God's glory and power reigns above all powers. | ||||
I decided to give the shortest explanation possible, squeezing all that info above into this: God permits evil. Because the devil asked. And there is evil because... ...of man's rebellion towards God. And one more comment~ From my understanding, the greatest sin in the Bible is not murder, adultery, etc etc. It's Pride! | ||||
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One can only hope... | ||||
_______________________ More junk from the atheistic left! And this stuff about separation of church and state! It's the cry from the left. It is not to be found in the constitution. But thru the years and years it's gotten bent. Or shall I say it's gotten left. Left behind in the dust of history. What did it say? It said the government shall not stick it's nose into the business of the church. But, no, the atheists don't like that. So thru the years it's gotten to be where it is today. The church shouldn't poke it's nose into government. That's what happens when judges get elected who don't stick up to what was the intent of the founding fathers. | ||||
Boy, I am sure glad that I don't live in a country run by your administration! Check out this little known site: http://ffrf.org/nontracts/xian.php | ||||
More cr*ap from the left. Something like Spaulding and his Spong. | ||||
Incidently, what's with all this Left, Right, Red State Blue State, other than a conserted effort to divide us into combantant groups at each other's throats; divide and conquer. I like Obama's statement: "...it's not Red State, or Blue State, its the United States of America" Each one of its citizens is FREE and PRIVELEDGED to have the right to believe in what they choose, not the State. Jeffereson actually memntioned a wall of separtion between Religion and State, see attached. http://ffrf.org/nontracts/xian.php | ||||
I may not be Right, but I am CORRECT. | ||||
No you are not correct. The liberal baby killing ideas are wrong. Obama doesn't even know what life is. It's beyond his pay grade he says. He has the far left view of life in the Senate. I can start bringing out the artillery of Constitutional logic. The kind that people hated Bork for. Or Clarence Thomas. Or Reagan. If you think the country is going to get along like Rodney King called out for, you need to go look in the mirror of conscience. Your atheistic mind-set has no where to go but a dead end. | ||||
What is the quote - Thou protesteth too much? I detect some real uneasiness with letting other's have their voice. Believe what you may, but keep it out of my backyard. The truth WILL set one free. Not your truth, THE truth, which can be interpreted by any free man in this wondrous country of ours, The UNITED States of America. | ||||
This idea that every generation can figure out themselves what they think the constitution means for their life style is ludicrous. That's what ignorant third-in-command Pelosi thinks about the Roman Catholic Church. If you missed Meet The Press on Sunday you missed a great demonstration of stupidity on her part. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video_log/2008/08/spea...on_meet_the_pre.html And then there is Bork. http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110010770 | ||||
Seems pretty straight-forward to me. I honestly don't understand why anyone would WANT to have the state entwined with religion. | ||||
Nonsense. Of course every generation is going to examine the constitution to see how it applies to current-day life. The US today, with a bloated and corrupt central government, bears absolutely no resemblance to the government envisioned by the founders of this country. Things change (and in the case of the way this country is set up now, not always for the better, to my way of thinking). | ||||
theoctobercountry~ THAT is why the country has fallen into the bloated condition. Liberal anti-god judges have thrown the kilter to the winds. That video of Pelosi on Meet The Press slams the senses. She is so silly she almost said 'Senator' Augustine. Lady, he was the Bishop of Hippo. The Roman Catholic church has always said that a baby is a baby at inception. It comes directly out of scripture, both old and new testament where God says he knew me before he created the Earth. Even before inception. And at very least, at inception. But do you tell a farmer with a bag of corn seeds that the direct promise of his summer harvest does not exist in those seeds, and they are not to be compared in any way to the bin full of corn? So toss them in the garbadge, because they are NOT corn. He'll punch you in the nose and tell you you're crazy! For Madam Pelosi to say that the church is debating the meaning of life for centuries is no more stupid than the judges on some Supreme Court seats who have not any notion as to the original intent of the constitution. The recognition of God is carved into the walls of Court Chambers nationwide. It's carved into State Capitol buildings nation wide. It's present in all sorts of government and state buildings. Lately, groups are trying to say it';s all unconstitional. Sure. Change the constitution to mean/read otherwise and of course it becomes unconstitutional. Like, duh! | ||||
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