| B-two, I responded on both boards. I liked it immensely. Very accurate, moving, and brutal in parts, with a somewhat happy conclusion.
She stood silently looking out into the great sallow distances of sea bottom, as if recalling something, her yellow eyes soft and moist...
| Posts: 1397 | Location: Louisville, KY | Registered: 08 February 2006 |  
| lol, Chap. BralingII, I think you will enjoy it. I cannot beleive the human endurance levels after reading it. Truly astounding! She is to be commended on bringing that story to life in her word art.
She stood silently looking out into the great sallow distances of sea bottom, as if recalling something, her yellow eyes soft and moist...
| Posts: 1397 | Location: Louisville, KY | Registered: 08 February 2006 |  
| I just finished Sturgeon's More Than Human. It was awesome! I wasn't wrong in getting as many of his books as possible. He is now my favorite second only to Bradbury. I am taking a time out from sci-fi. I started The Waves by Virginia Woolf. Next, I will take I Sing The Body Electric off the backburner and finish it. I am about three or four stories into it. It has simmered long enough and is whistling silently for me to finish it.
She stood silently looking out into the great sallow distances of sea bottom, as if recalling something, her yellow eyes soft and moist...
| Posts: 1397 | Location: Louisville, KY | Registered: 08 February 2006 |  
| Hi to everybody!As for me, I think every Bradbury's story is wonderful and unique!It concerns not only sense but also language. Almost every word of his is a metaphor or any other stylistic device, which produces a tremendous effect on a reader and you seem to feel much closer to Nature, people. You know after reading his books I feel more optimistic. As for my favourite one it's Dandelion Wine. I think it's probably one of the most philosophic works of his.Moreover it's a bit autobiographic. He managed to join different spheres of reality, so-to-say,different concepts of his outlook and imagination in the plot of a boy's 3 - month growing up.Seems you become that very boy and open the world again!!! |
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| Hi to everybody!I think every Bradbury's story or novel is wonderful and unique!It concerns not only sense but language too. Almost every word of his is a metaphor or any other stylistic device which produces a tremendous effect on a reader bringing him/her into the narration!As for my favourite one it's Dandelion Wine.I liked it because it's probably one of the most philosophic works of his. Moreover it's a bit autobiographical. I admire the way he managed to join all the pieces of reality (I mean different spheres of life and different consepts of his imagination) into the plot of a boy's 3-month growing up.Seems you become the hero youself and open the world again!!! |
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