I really wanted to know why Mr. Bradbury changed the name of his short story, "Dark They Were and Golden-Eyed" to "The Naming of Names". Can you lend me some insight? I prefer the first name; infact, I almost didn't recognize the story with the name change.
I was not aware of the name change. In a very recent edition of the seventh grade lit textbook I teach from, the story is still called "Dark They Were..." I do know that in several of his pieces, including "Martian Chronicles" as well as "Dark They Were...", Ray writes about people moving somewhere new and renaming everything to match their former culture/home, rather than respecting their new culture/home. (Perhaps like the "Ugly American" syndrome??)
Posts: 581 | Location: Naperville, IL 60564 | Registered: 04 January 2003
I haven't had the chance to look it up in a reference, like 'The Ray Bradbury Companion' by Nolan...but I always thought 'Naming of Names' was the original title, first published in the pulps....
Posts: 2280 | Location: Laguna Woods, California | Registered: 28 June 2002