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free verse . . .. . . . or not.... to life
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Damn. I've been trolled again. Thanks, Phil, I would have never realized it. (I think it was the time difference between the creation of the two accounts that got me.)

Harvey, making two accounts and then spamming on the board is against the rules. Please cease.

"Oh, death!"
Posts: 176 | Location: The Forest of Aokigahara, Japan | Registered: 10 April 2009Report This Post
lol . wow , right it would have to be that huh guys ? anyway to dispell this dave ? what about when were on at the same time? am i sitting at 2 computers? sorry folks dont care that much . nor am i that pathetic . but way to pull the board back into your own petty bullcrap phil;
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what ?
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i guess it must be impossible for anyone else , since you are incapable huh ?
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besides that would make me dave no harvey , wouldnt it?
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Originally posted by philnic:
Who thinks dave/l'pool artist and harvey101blind are the same person? They have remarkably similar habits in (non-)capitalisation of words and in punctuation.

How fascinating, if indeed it is true! Has the little toy brindle dog peeked inside the corkscrew heads of a couple of sock puppets? Fortunately, my own West of October barn has not burned down yet, so there is still time for me to escape in my present form!

For what it is worth, I did notice the similarity in writing styles but did not wonder whether those two were sock puppets until now.

Speaking of writing styles, I do not believe that "free verse" involves vomiting the contents of one's brain into a mess on the floor for all to gawk at. Instead, there is unique grammar -- a consistent set of rules -- that allows the writer to get into the minds of the readers and influence thoughts in well-thought-out ways. In other words, there is a method to the madness.


"I was not born, but instead created. I’m not alive, and yet I exist. I will never die, but some day I will be forgotten, as was the light by which I came into this world." MTD
Posts: 168 | Location: Out of the Attic | Registered: 18 December 2004Report This Post
very very interesting fellas . it must suck being confined like that . once again though ,i say use this thread as a mirror . et tu mog the trojan dog
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i think i have created a great mirror of society here , by accident . and wow oh wow is this like that story you pointed out mog , the one with the children and the rain . but i think if you keep it up this whole post will , like ha been said , be such an ugly blemish on the page it will be erased . so i say leave it , as the mirror that it is . either way i've recorded it for my own fun . GGAAAARRRRRDDDDOOOOKKKKK!!!!!!!!!! lol
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Hi philnic & all,
come on guys, that's very weak reasoning, even for this site, i,ve been a member since 2007 and harvey's reg; on feb 2010, i'm in liverpool uk not sure where H is based, but surely don't have to go on and on do I,, don't use capital key that much aa I'm a one finger typist so sorry for that, didn't realise that was important !!
But as a matter of interest does any one read the contents of my messages or others for that matter?? as doesn't seem like at times !!

The reason i responded back to harvey was on reflection i thought i had been quick to judge him & was a bit out of order as well, and fair dues to him he was ok with my reply !! it's as simply as that, and i thought my poem with ref to the predestrian,541,DW,and green town was a fair attempt,,,not bad, i thought ?
Also more importantly and with the metephors and messages of 541 ringing very load in my ears that, us book people need to stick together, as i think Ray's predictions are close than we think, you only have see the people on the streets, texting/game playing and tuning out people + the world around them !!
So you know what we could all be a bit more tolarant and get on better with each of, it's not much to ask, but what we give out we get back or we don't "instant karma's gonna get yer" as lennon would say,,
also we all have at least one thing in common and that's to appreciate and treasure Ray's work and in him absence as mediator and though i've not met ray, i think he's got a good heart, soul and spirit and in that regard "I'd say come on guys get back on track and stay with the programme" live and let live....
live forever reading together eh ?
Posts: 67 | Registered: 04 February 2007Report This Post
i winder what ray's views on vimana would be .
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Originally posted by Kukai_Aoki:
harvey101blind, you're either a genius or a fool! Big Grind

My verdict: Fool.

"Oh, death!"
Posts: 176 | Location: The Forest of Aokigahara, Japan | Registered: 10 April 2009Report This Post
OH SNAP!!!!! anyone else in here a member of L.A.I.R.
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thts live action interactive roleplaying for any nerds who arent getting me
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me thinks aoki be a villain <did i spell that right?
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Just received a few more, so here are the latest contributions:

The massy or simmer. For criminal? his on hosiery sycamore.

My equanimity was rickets. you asphodel. Or so condition.
Posts: 7360 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Report This Post
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