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some have deemed it mindless chatter, madder than the maddest hatter, torch lights on, no one home...toys no longer attic bound, serve up another shimmering round, a round of unprecedented, relentless, mindful white noise...from the elephants within us both, the infrasound unseen is exchanged, and in the exchanging, finds its rightful place in the world...borrow my ear and hear, the infrasonic echoes draw near, the next iteration indeed is here... junk, junk, no sir, not junk... MTD "I was not born, but instead created. I’m not alive, and yet I exist. I will never die, but some day I will be forgotten, as was the light by which I came into this world." MTD | ||||
<harvey101blind> |
i feel like dying , in my mind ive been spying , on myself again , and checking , where ive been checking , what where and when , but than again what else would i do , and if only you knew , than maybe you could tell me why , but life is a movie that plays in only my mind , and i could not describe all the whys , if i had the words for the birds theyd abide , but since i dont , then will i . | ||
Ahhh, Eugene Field...as I recall, my favorite...nevertheless, I must confess, I wonder as waiting my own years through, what the hell they were doing in that shoe...winkin, blinkin, and nod, that is...and Field himself, when he woke at dawn, could he have known that the echoes emanating from his infrasonic hand would find their way into RayBradburyLand? * * * * * I must also confess that what is left of my faux fur bristles within seconds of denying myself use of the Shift key when writing, whether free verse....or not.... Heh...heh...heh... MTD "I was not born, but instead created. I’m not alive, and yet I exist. I will never die, but some day I will be forgotten, as was the light by which I came into this world." MTD | ||||
Call her crazy as a loon, but my favorite human companion was talking to a bird at about same the time that you were free versing your own birds into this forum. You see, she promised her husband the day he died last October that she would look for him in the crows. And so when one perched itself in a tree just outside the computer room window a while ago, she started chatting with it: "Look at me!" He did. "Talk to me!" He obliged. "Give me six caws to let me know it is you." He gave sixteen. "OK, I get it. Sixteen, not six. Don't want to creep me out too much, I see..." He then bellowed precisely six caws before launching himself skyward, only to return with the whole flock in classic Hitchcock style as I sat typing this post... MTD "I was not born, but instead created. I’m not alive, and yet I exist. I will never die, but some day I will be forgotten, as was the light by which I came into this world." MTD | ||||
<harvey101blind> |
she's crazy as a loon and belongs on the moon , myself i've been to mars and back on a one way track ... so i'll give her some slack . | ||
<harvey101blind> |
tell her to keep talkin to crows , there in lies the love that she knows , and magic is magic especialy in moments like those | ||
no need to mock, 'cause Mog you rock, oh...time to take a walk. | ||||
<harvey101blind> |
who's mocking who? i think mog is right on point . the emotion + the knoweledge that mr. bradbury communicates is completely unique to him . i read both those stories , i'd never reade before . i remember you . i remember you , i'd love to runaway blind . mountains i'd climb , chutes i'd flow through , just me and the wild , cold water brisk air , warm sun , the leap , splash , bubbles , the truth in the ability to be wild , unclicked , no beeps , or buzzez but the birds and beez . to runaway clean . to free the ones i love . the world has become a clockworck most unfree , the wilderness has gone away like monsters and santa clause . i want it back . sick from heart and brain rot , in these my last days i just wanna play . like a wild explorer of new or lost lands . i want risk , i want chance . i want the freedom to do as i please , wich was born into me , but tricked away , can a broke horse turn green , can it at least run away free after biting the hand that tricked it | ||
I myself attempted a stroll, but blast it all I lost control, control of my elephant that is...I should have known, for I'm well read, that the bloomin' thing would pause instead, the moment it spotted the dooryard... MTD ![]() "I was not born, but instead created. I’m not alive, and yet I exist. I will never die, but some day I will be forgotten, as was the light by which I came into this world." MTD | ||||
I cannot get over how cute you are! I want to give you a hug, hold up, don't give me that mug, I promise it will be safe, wait for some more of my love, an adorable little doggy, talking about crows and doves, hanging out with no one else but the above. "Oh, death!" | ||||
hi everybody one and all, I have been watching this thread which has gone on and on, and i agree with the general opinion this kind of stuff isn't what I'd expect or want from a website that's here to celebrate the work(s) of one of the truly great living writer's of the 21st century, so come on enough is enough, I'm not the only who feels this way, so let's draw a line under this thread and say harvey you've say, and let's get back to some of the more positve and more interesting articles, comments and general descussions this site is best used for; I don't usually get involved in these kind of debates but, lets keep this space free from the mindless chatter or whisperings you'd find on twitter or facebook, and if, it's possible to end this free verse ,, or not thread,,, and let the soap bubble burst and fade. Does the rest of the members agree ? No affence Harvey but this isn't anything to do with Ray's work/books spirit of or in anyway helping to encourage new people/members in adding there thoughts or feed-back or suggestions for new readers,,, I hope I can say this with-out a back lash or series of insults, but welcome any constructive replies .. cheers Dave | ||||
Hi Dave, Mog the Dog here. Are you suggesting that this thread be yanked by the moderator? If so, the stuff that it is made of, the "mindless" chatter that makes you uncomfortable, will just show up somewhere else in this forum. Kind of like that weird variety of spider that, when squashed underfoot, releases hundreds of offspring in every direction. That is the best metaphor I can conjure up to explain why I would vote against squashing this thread. I enjoyed writing the free verse in this thread. It allowed me to explore and share with others how Bradbury's writing has indeed inspired me and influenced what I value in this iteration of my existence. I loved seeing the Mr. Jonas metaphor come out unexpectedly in my writing. If harvey101blind had not served me up a plate of word salad, I never would have savored the flavor of my own the other day. Hey, speaking of Mr. Jonas, your request that only threads that you (or the majority of the good folks here) deem positive be allowed to exist in this forum would be akin to asking Mr. Jonas to stock his Conestoga wagon with only the stuff that you or the majority deem useful. As the moderator of his own wagon, Jonas does not strike me as the kind of guy who would oblige. Oh, and speaking of word salad and mindless chatter, on first glance doesn't Bradbury's "When Elephants Last in the Dooryard Bloomed" seem to fit the pattern? I will admit, some of his poems make the paper stuffing in my little toy brindle dog head clump up in a knot. Nevertheless, I avoid the temptation to squash the literary spider, for if left untouched and observed from a distance, it can and will find its rightful place in the world. MTD "I was not born, but instead created. I’m not alive, and yet I exist. I will never die, but some day I will be forgotten, as was the light by which I came into this world." MTD | ||||
<harvey101blind> |
ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn. i'm pretty well done with this . it could have been an interesting and fun thing in the beginning , where people who where influenced by ray wrote short poems . the only reason i kept writing on here , i've already gone through well enough . if you read from the start you should see , that it was turned into a much bigger thing , than it ever would have been by the comic book guys . that it offended them so much that they had to freak on it makes me laugh . but like i said your heads are way too big for me . and so it broke down to the bullshit it is . so i'm good and done . and pretty disapointed . but i think whats here should be left as a mirror for doug and phil to someday evaluate . but yeah i'm done | ||
<harvey101blind> |
but i hold no real grudge here ..... let me just be clear on that . i'm more just dissapointed . i am aware that my writing style is annoying to people who are more educated than myself . my spelling sucks , and i don't know much about how to form my writing the correct way . thats one of the reasons i enjoy writing the way i do . it reflects who i am pretty greatly . and for everyone who is so annoyed and offended . i say go be offended with your nose in the air , i really dont give 2 shts . but since the general view is to stop the thread , and it has been pretty well sidelined by the two boy wonders here . who did you know , know ray and talk to him , so......... harumph!!!! but i didnt really ask for people to write like me , i just said free verse or not , any type of poem that you felt like writing , but whatever it is what it is now . phil and doug set out to insult and belittle my writing fromn the start , and took something that could have been cool and turned it into this . how you can say that a room full of people inspired by ray writing poetry could be anything but ray influenced is beyond me . but that isd what it became ,,,,beyond me . but i will stop , and in fact hope everyone else does . write whatever you like i'm done . but i would like to know if there is a section that people share story ideas or anything like that , so as not to be attacked ? or whats the deal on here ? | ||
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