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The foresight of the 451 firemen.
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It's not an argument, just my beliefs. I just don't believe that I should be held accountable for the sins of other peoples' ancestors. I also believe that people should stop looking SO much into the past and spend that energy trying to make the future better for ALL people, instead.
Posts: 213 | Location: New Berlin, WI, USA | Registered: 21 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Korby: Couldn't agree more.

Translator: I don't see the link.
Posts: 2769 | Location: McKinney, Texas | Registered: 11 May 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Right on, Korby. The U. S. government was also responsible for the "let's you and him fight" attitude towards Native American tribes--push them all together and let them finish each other off--yet we don't ask Indians to pay reparations to other Indians. (On the other hand, I do feel the government has been awfully cheap on the subject of reparations to Japanese Americans interned during WWII.)

As for ancestral sins. I had a nice talk with a new friend in which I was making the point that most people don't approve of Oliver Cromwell--as neither do I--but I owe him one in choosing to deport my ancestors because my family got on the ground floor, so to speak, in very early America! She remarked that "of all the people to be descended from"--turns out she is a direct descendant of Oliver Cromwell! And yet we are best friends. My family in Scotland were Campbells and another best friend's family were Stuarts, but "we're all Americans now." We don't keep it up, and neither should anyone who has better things to do!
Posts: 7353 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I am pleased that the Translator will no longer reply to my posts. I do find it disgusting but predictable in this America hating climate that a person who stands up for values and freedom is demonized by an admitted communist.

As far as my teaching, I do not bring politics into the class room. I teach writing, which has no politics, and literature, in which I encourage students to find their own interpretations. The same cannot be said for many liberals who insist on brainwashing kids with their agenda.

Redjellydonut: No I do not label you, and my assessment of the Translator is based on the Translator's own words in this thread. I do not believe in communism, and I will not back down. And I do respect your service to the country.

Some may notice that my screen name is slightly altered. I was unable post under the former one. This is probably a left wing conspiracy.

To Dandelion: This post was based in a reference to Bradbury's work. Others insist that it is only a ploy. Untrue! The Translator uses much more nasty words than I do, yet I can only assume that your above comment about school going back in session soon is a dig toward me. Could you please respond?

[This message has been edited by pabillsman1 (edited 08-11-2004).]

[This message has been edited by pabillsman1 (edited 08-11-2004).]
Posts: 48 | Registered: 11 August 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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You assume way too much, pabillsman1. School will be back in session for EVERYONE--including teenagers who come here to post rude comments, which they will do anyway, because they don't like their homework. They don't need a whole lot of fuel for their fire supplied by those who are supposed to be adults.

You others, thanks for the compliments.
Posts: 7353 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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you should, if you benefit from other people's evils. As you live in America, you should pay for being an American. It was an argument, which doesn't necessairly mean that it couldn;t be a belief as well. Anyway, if you wish to pursue this argument further ahead, I'm willing to do so to, if not, we could let it end.
Mr Dark,
sorry about the link, I musthave forgot it. I can't find it right now - I'll give you another one sometime this week.
Dandelion brought up another good point with the JApanese prisoners; I'm quite happy that she did. What about them?
Pabi, I hope, will leave. He's of course right about the left-wing conspiracies. His name was changed because of them. Run, Pabi, run, or the Red Commies will get you! Run!
Cheers, Translator
Posts: 626 | Location: Maple, Ontario, Canada | Registered: 23 February 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The Translator is dishonest. According to a few posts ago, I was not to be replied to again. Really consistent, Translator. I will not run as you suggest, because communists do not scare me. Freedom will always prevail.

[This message has been edited by pabillsman1 (edited 08-14-2004).]
Posts: 48 | Registered: 11 August 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Translator: I don't need a link. I'm interested in who you personally would recommend as great, living Canadian authors. I've mentioned three that I like. Who else would you recommend?
Posts: 2769 | Location: McKinney, Texas | Registered: 11 May 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I do pay for being an American...they're called taxes.
Posts: 213 | Location: New Berlin, WI, USA | Registered: 21 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Good. If they're called taxes, then some of those taxes should be paid to those who suffered. The gov. should pay the blacks with your taxes. That would seem fair.

Mr Dark,
Here are some I found were very good:

Mordechai Richler - a great writer who unfortunatley passed away in 2001. I had the priveladge of meeting him just two months before. A great satirist, he was highly critical of just about anything that needed criticism in Canada. According to my highly twisted and off-the-wall scale, his best books, in order of preferance, are:
--1)The Incomparable Atuk
--2)St. Urbain's Horseman
--3)Joshua Then and Now
--4)The Apprenteceship of Duddy Kravitz
--the rest) Barney's Version, Solomon Gursky Was Here, Son of a Smaller Hero, etc

He would be a great addition to any scholarly reading list, especially for kids in grade 10 and up.

Yves Theriault - He wrote a couple of good Innuit novels. I really enjoyed Agaguk and Agoak.

Anne Hebert - her novels are very good (in French at least, I never read the tranlsations). Try Kamouraska and you'll see for yourself.

Susanna Moodie - Roughing it in the Bush. A slow but very well written novel about the struggles faced by 19th century Canadians. A great semi-historical read, but, I think, wholly unsuited for the typical student.

Margaret Laurence - Considered the "queen" of Canadian Lit. I really enjoyed " The Stone Angel", "A jest of God" and "The fire Dwellers". I should read more of her, though.

Michael Ondatjie - The English Patient, In the Skin of a Lion, etc. He is as well-known as Atwood. I really like him.

Timothy Findley - a phenomenal writer. Just about everything he wrote was great. As a teacher, you might enjoy "the Wars" or "You went Away". He also wrote some plays - check them out.

Lucy Maude Montgomery - Anne of Green Gables. Need I say more?

Kinsella (what the hell was his first name?) - Shoeless Joe, Dance me Outside.

--------------There are some others whom I barely touched - Marcel Dube, Saul Bellow, etc - I cannot make a judgement on them until I read more than one of thir works. But of the above authors, except for Laurence, I have read just about everything, and enjoyed it greatly. I hope this helps.

Cheers, Translator
Posts: 626 | Location: Maple, Ontario, Canada | Registered: 23 February 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Translator:
Good. If they're called taxes, then some of those taxes should be paid to those who suffered. The gov. should pay the blacks with your taxes. That would seem fair.

Cheers, Translator

are you insane??? do you really think that blacks should get money because they were slaves?? that is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard!!! well besides socialism/communism works. ohh wow money for slaves.....God help us
Posts: 38 | Location: kenova WV USA | Registered: 11 May 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Translator: Thanks for the list. I copied it into an email and sent it to myself. Much appreciated! You never know, I may end up teaching American Lit to the Canadian masses some day, yet!

I'll try to keep politics out of it! ;o)
Posts: 2769 | Location: McKinney, Texas | Registered: 11 May 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Ok, stevieboy is another person I'm cutting out.

No Problem Mr Dark, I do hope you do. Americn lit is, to be fair, much broader than canadian lit. For every good canadian author, there are 5 good american authors. Keep that up, US.

Cheers, Translator
Posts: 626 | Location: Maple, Ontario, Canada | Registered: 23 February 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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good maybe youll "quit replying" to my posts like you did pabillsman.
Posts: 38 | Location: kenova WV USA | Registered: 11 May 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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i think the fact that ray had so much understanding of the human nature that he could so closely forshadow the events of the present, could be a great indicator that if one pays enough attention to small minor details one can see the furture in a sense. Human have a natural way of going about things and i think ray put this fact to light and that in itself was such and inspirtation to me.
Posts: 4 | Registered: 27 August 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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