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Nard Kordell: I checked out that link-awesome!! That is ojne story that has eluded me--or I don't recall it, but I doubt the latter. I'll be reading it soon!!!!! Thanks | ||||
18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. the book of revelation was writtin in the 90's AD by john. as you said mohammed wasnt around untill 600 AD. the book was finished when john wrote this. therefore mohammed cannot be correct in his preachings because with the verses I provided show that the book was closed. I dont want the plagues to come over me or my name to be stricken from the lambs book of life. so if mohammed preaches what you said he did, and he added to the book, not to be blunt, but hes in hell plain and simple. | ||||
Korby, keep it cool - you can see some people here are quite extreme in their views. Nard mentioned one time that he simply doesn't wish to learn more about the world because he knows what he knows and nothing could shake him out of his views. Pabilisman is a buffon, so don't mind him. I know you're trying not to argue this, and that's good. Just let it be...I am not the one to shirk from a fight, but I will not argue this with Nard. It's no use. If you don;t want to get discouraged towards this board, simply say you have nothing further to say on this matter. Cheers, Translator Lem Reader | ||||
Korby: This is for certain: Nard never said what Translator said he said. And as to pabillisman1, Translator doesn't know quite what to do with him, so he calls him a name. You'd think he'd come up with something better. Translator doesn't want to argue with me because he knows he can't win. Anyway, Translator said he wasn't going to get involved in any discussion, and here he goes trying to put his toe in the door of the internet postings....!!! (Maybe he still loves us ...) | ||||
Nard, you did. Too bad the link is deleted - it was in the "A miscellany of topics". You told me that the world can teach you nothing new. Pabilissman is a buffon. Name or no name, he accused "the Liberal Mafia" of changing his password to this account. You can't get more boffunish than that. I did not say I will not argue. I said I will not argue this particular thing with you. I know I can;t win - if you don;t use reason to argue, then i am powerless against you. Hence I will not argue religion with you. Cheers, Translator Lem Reader | ||||
Translator: It''s either I wasn't clear in what I said, or I wasn't clear in what I said. Too bad the link was lost. Do you remember the original question? | ||||
This is so funny. If the Translator cannot recognize that the reference to my password being changed was a case of humor and sarcasm, what else is to be said? I did mention that my computer was on the blink at the time. Translator is grasping at straws. | ||||
Translator, I've given up. Let them believe what they wish, as they have that right. I know what I know and I'm not going to try to "convert" people to my views. (Saying that Muslims believe in a different God....may as well say that about Jews, too.) But to condemn an entire group of people because of their religion....well, isn't that what the terrorists are doing? Condemning an entire country based on what they perceive to be corrupt and filled with infidels.......oh well, this is the last I'll say on this particular subject! I wanna go back to Bradbury because there is so much about his writings that I'm ignorant of (I've only read a few of his books, although I'm working to correct that situation!) and feel I could truly learn more here - even from Nard and pabillsman, I'll bet! ![]() | ||||
There is no God. | ||||
Just got a note from Mr. B. as a thanks for something sent. How very kind of him! It seems his stay resting and recuping was somewhat prolonged. He took the time to let us know he was doing better and appreciated our thoughts. With my boys on my lap, I opened and read his quick message. They both continue to become more versed in the works and ideas of this American legend and hero, as I see it. In grades 1 and 3, they have a lifetime of joy and discovery ahead of then. I hope to continue passing it on. (October season soon approaches.....) We could all take a page out of his book of life. God bless him and his very caring family and closest friends! PS. grasstain, thankfully all are safe. Life is fragile indeed! [This message has been edited by fjpalumbo (edited 09-14-2004).] fpalumbo | ||||
fjpalumbo: This is great!!! A note from Ray!! He mentioned last week that he had 1,200 letters on his return from the hospital, to answer. God bless Ray that he can get around to answer as many as he does. It's a crying shame when you get older all your friends and loved ones begin falling off into eternity. And tho this place ain't our home, as the hymn writer says, we do grieve them all as they leave. Thank God again that so many people love Ray, write Ray, and that he has the strength and energy to send a reply.... _________________ Gothic: If you mention there is no God, please use the lower case 'g'. You may find 'God' offensive, but others find it offensive when you use the large 'G'. By the way, your statement is actually funny. Especially since the devil knows there is a God. And since scripture mentions that it is an 'inbred' thing, this belief in God, there genetically and every other way that there is. What is there but that you have to lie to yourself to deny God. Think about it for a moment: even the most pagan peoples believe there is 'something. Perhaps it takes an intellectual of sorts to deny God. They twist themselves up into knots in their thinking. Like existentialist Sarte. Common folk, hard working generations, people who have a common sense of decency and humble caring, do not question if there is a God. They live in thankfulness that God gave them life and bears with them. The black population in America, coming out from the horror of slavery, came to know Jesus Christ in droves by being crushed. That happens to many. Happened to myself. Lots of genuine jail-house conversions. Why? Because you finally forfeit all your baggage and give in...and BAM! There was the 'mighty river' you said never existed. | ||||
Nard, the post was actually not deleated - here is a copy of what you said. I don't want to pursue this matter out of respect for your beliefs - I simply don't want either of us to get irreversibly mad at each other (mostly you at me - this topic is too hot for me to not use things like sarcasm, which would not bode very well for our future conversations (trust me on this, I could and would argue this with just about everyone else, but not you (or others I have some respect for))). Here is the mail. "posted 03-05-2004 10:06 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, pterran... I'll take you up on your offer... _______________________________ This last episode of 'bullies' ... made me think that there are a myriad of scenarios taking their place one at a time, for another American Civil War. Book titles are easier than writing the book itself. So it's titled, "Chapter One. The 2nd Civil War in America. 2054." I placed it 50 years ahead, as another couple generations ahead will be the ones that light the fuse that brings it "suddenly" about. You ask, 'How can a bully bring this to mind'? Well, here's this 'bully' that comes online, and starts swinging away with their own ideology. And I'm thinking, there are an awful lot of bullies on the American scene right now...in all phases of life, from lawyers to shop clerks, clergy to office administrators...all calling for equal rights, equal acceptance, equal pay, a uniformly placed regard for their ideals and principles, ideas and philosophies. Pressure cookers cook so long until the top blows off. Inbred by God to be aware of moral law, man goes face to face with those that suppress that. Intricacies far too complex for me to ponder take place. With all the wonderful technology and advances in medicine and science, inside each man is a war going on that is at war either with himself or with others, or both. Since we are becoming so global, decade by decade, who is to say how "Americanized" the world will be in 50 years. My point is...once one is soothed into the comfort of their own ideology, the sign goes up: Please Do Not Disturb! Do not detract me from what I believe, do not infringe upon the rights you gave me, and don't change how I want to live. I am comfortable in what I have become and am. Do Not Disturb. Or Else!! " Cheers, Translator Lem Reader | ||||
Translator: Oh, come on! This sounds a lot different than how you said what you said that I said that I said I didn't say. Since it is so late here (12:44 am in Chicago)...I will have to refrain from explanation until tomrrow. Until then, then.... | ||||
Translator: It's 8:30am Chicago time, and I have to run out the door.. but a quick note until later:::: That phrase in question "... do not detract me from what I believe/ don't change how I want to live, etc etc etc". I was NOT referring to myself. I am referring to the people I am talking about in the above paragraphs. I'll dissect this for you later, but have to run now... | ||||
Translator I genuinely do not know what to add. I wasn't referring to myself in that comment. But since we are on the topic, note that many years ago I started trying everything to change the way I think. My thinking at the time and before that time,stunk! And oh, did I know it! It was saturated with myself, my awful habits, and general know -it -all stupidity. In fact, one year I boarded myself up in a rented room in San Francisco for nearly a year,trying to squeeze myself into a new way of thinking. I cried all the way there on a train from Chicago. I wanted to stay put in my misery and safety. Once there, went to work at a dozen places, bugged a great science fiction writer by the name of Avram Davidson, walked the up and down streets of San Francisco for hours at a time, and maybe ate dinner in Chinatown a few times a week. The rest of the year I was trying my darndest to look at things differently. And as often, I figured I was late, very late in getting there. After that year, I spent another 10 years plus doing other things to bend myself into other ways of perceiving the world, including taking chances on all sorts of things, jobs, relationships, etc. Learned a lot thru all this time.... and then after about 30 years worth of letting things die, and nurturing semblances of something better to flourish, and discovering I had little to do with any of this, finally wound up right where you see me, at this very moment in life. So, for you to make the comment that you did, that I said I don't want to change the way I am, is not only absurd, but anyone knows me knows that my problem is that I got far too many thinking patterns going on at once and often I have a tendency to blow apart in pieces because I'm still stupid in many ways, and then which takes months, and sometimes years to put myself back together again. I've learned I know nothing. And every once in a while, I get a scent of 'cosmic air', something in the patterns of every day circumstances, something that just jumps out at you during one of a thousand moments of the day, that proves that everything that is far beyond what ever I can imagine, greater than what I could ever perceive, is waiting to be discovered. Wow! How do you explain that moment? I think it may take a lifetime perhaps to explain a fraction of it. Some of the other stuff you wind up writing a poem, or having a wonderful afternoon with friends because you sense things differently and life is not a closed system but eternally open ended. All thru all of this, much of Bradbury prose has been a constant, the little window into eternity that he nor I nor the reader has any knowledge of how it came to be other than its something somewhere in the categories of gift, grace and utter brilliancy. You may think we have very little in common, Translator, but that may not be so. | ||||
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