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Taking a step back
Has anyone ever taken the broadest attempt at understanding Ray Bradbury and his reasoning? I haven't, I stumbled upon him by a chance of fate although far from the same reason many of you even view this website. A little reasoning; I find astrology and horoscopes quiet fascinating and sense that I would be very passionate upon pursuing such a major [Astrology]. Ray Bradbury was born on August 22, making him a Leo-Virgo. Which is part of the Leo-Virgo Cusp defined as "The Cusp Of Exposure". Bradbury is quiet an interesting blend of fiery, generous, warmhearted, creative and broad-minded, flamboyancy. And that of the modest, meticulous, reliable and practical, Virgo. I am quiet sure he spent his later teens in deep penetration of the mind, soul, and spirit. Within that of Outward Growth and Unconscious Orientation. I honestly cannot begin to explain how I got here or why I am posting this intricate topic. The only bit of truth I can leave you with is the fact that I was also born on that of the date August 22, not more than twenty years ago from today.

Posts: 7 | Location: hampt,va | Registered: 20 June 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hi Keens,

Mog the Dog here. My favorite human companion was also born on August 22nd. Strange but true, she had read most of Bradbury's short stories, novels, and poems before she got around to reading his biography to learn that they shared the same birthday.

The summer she turned eight years old, my favorite human companion spotted a copy of The Illustrated Man on the side of the bathtub (her oldest sister loved to read by candlelight in the tub). You would think that the picture of the tattooed guy on the cover grabbed my favorite human companion's gaze each day, but it did not. It was the pair of eyes behind the horn rimmed glasses on the author on the back cover. God almighty, she was just a little kid but she stared it his eyes as if she knew that guy without knowing him in this iteration of her life.

When she was fourteen, my favorite human companion reluctantly started reading The Martian Chronicles for a school assignment. Within less than two years of finishing that assignment, she had gotten a hold of and read hundreds of his short stories and all of the novels he had written. God almighty, that guy spoke to her like it was someone she had known forever. She did not put two and two together about her eight-year-old little girl fascination with his face until she had been reading his works for over two years and finally picked up a version of one of his books with his face drawn on the back cover.

My favorite human companion has met and talked to Bradbury at his lectures and book signings since 1982. When he was 80, she asked him if he remembered his 43rd birthday. He was not sure if he did or did not. She then asked him if it was a good day to come into the world. "Oh, God yes!" came bellowing out of the lion half of him.

Oh, and by the way, I remember the day you were born, Keens, and Oh, God, yes, was it ever a good day to come into the world!


"I was not born, but instead created. I’m not alive, and yet I exist. I will never die, but some day I will be forgotten, as was the light by which I came into this world." MTD
Posts: 168 | Location: Out of the Attic | Registered: 18 December 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Welcome to the board, Keens!

You are well-versed in your astrology, and I love your divine coincidence deemed so by the stars above. When I look up at the sky at night, I like to find everyone's birthday, and celebrate it with a silent wave.

"Oh, death!"
Posts: 176 | Location: The Forest of Aokigahara, Japan | Registered: 10 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hmm much to perceive I'll consider this through the night. ;0
Posts: 7 | Location: hampt,va | Registered: 20 June 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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That is quite an interesting story Mog the Dog, and I would love to hear more of your favorite companions tales! Upon reading a few of Bradbury's stories I found it imminent to meet him, but upon reading your story I find it less necessary. Seeing as I can basically experience what she has through your words. Funny question she asked, but I find it along the lines of any question I would have asked the guy. Might you describe your favorite human companion in a broader aspect of description? I feel like looking into others born on my birthdate will help me develop a broader perspective so that I may be more inclined to pierce through ignorance and delusion like the bow and arrows of those before me.
Hello, Kukai and thankyou! That approach may work for you:P, but I prefer the more controlled, planned, and executed flamboyant approach so that I may leave an imprint on each of there lives.
May I have each of your birthdates? I feel necessary to learn everyones I may, and asking in person with a stranger can seem quite odd.
Posts: 7 | Location: hampt,va | Registered: 20 June 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I hesitate to even try to answer this but here goes. I do love the work of certain people, Ray's above all, but I have come to believe that how I see individuals and their work and what they mean to me is different than how they perceive themselves and their own work. I don't want to incur anyone's disapproval but I wonder if I perpetually go through the world viewing everyone and everything wrong or if I just have my own unique vision. If I'm wrong please don't tell me, I can't handle knowing.
Posts: 7313 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Keens:
May I have each of your birthdates? I feel necessary to learn everyones I may, and asking in person with a stranger can seem quite odd.

Oh, not at all! Mine is May 23, 1582.

"Oh, death!"
Posts: 176 | Location: The Forest of Aokigahara, Japan | Registered: 10 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
i realised one day how off my versions of the lyrics of most of my fav songs . so i took the time to go bacck and relisten to alot of them , it's pretty funny , i think everyone does that to a point
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Originally posted by Kukai_Aoki:
...Oh, not at all! Mine is May 23, 1582.

So, what have you been reading for the last 428 years? Big Grin

- Phil

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Originally posted by dandelion:
I hesitate to even try to answer this but here goes. I do love the work of certain people, Ray's above all, but I have come to believe that how I see individuals and their work and what they mean to me is different than how they perceive themselves and their own work. I don't want to incur anyone's disapproval but I wonder if I perpetually go through the world viewing everyone and everything wrong or if I just have my own unique vision. If I'm wrong please don't tell me, I can't handle knowing.

I think we all do, but I do believe that people born under the same sign do act alike, as to the day I wouldn;t know anything about that.

Anyway, I thought this was interesting. I was watching the DVD extras of the movie The Box and in the interview with Richard Matheson he states I just don't get the people that come up to him and state in awe "that he was such a major influence to them and that they were honored to meet him." Richard says he just doesn't take himself and his work so seriously, so he has problems relating to this type of appreciation.

So I think what we think of a said author and what they think are probably going to be always different. Probably a lot of that happens with ourselves putting the said author on a pedestal.

btw, my birthday is June 4, 1969
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Originally posted by philnic:
So, what have you been reading for the last 428 years? Big Grin

Reading? Are you mad? I'm Blind!

The words float to me, from deep within.

"Oh, death!"
Posts: 176 | Location: The Forest of Aokigahara, Japan | Registered: 10 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by gguthrie:
So I think what we think of a said author and what they think are probably going to be always different. Probably a lot of that happens with ourselves putting the said author on a pedestal.

Or anyone, and I probably shouldn't have implied there is a "wrong" way to view any form of art (although it can sure seem that way and examples abound!) It has long since occurred to me that what I get out of certain pieces of music may not be the same as what others do, but all art forms are interactive, that is, the viewer has to bring something to it or what is the point?
Posts: 7313 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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you are far from wrong in stating that one perceives in their own way. Perception is but a very individual entity as no one can ever truly share a perception. One can merely share the absolutes within the universe as perception is "virtual" it can never be shared. Although this is true for all forms of communication, as words are merely symbols that represent. And as stated earlier one can only share absolutes one can never share words for they are symbols. Take pride in your own personal perception for it is the only thing one can truly own.
Posts: 7 | Location: hampt,va | Registered: 20 June 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Keens:
Might you describe your favorite human companion in a broader aspect of description? I feel like looking into others born on my birthdate will help me develop a broader perspective so that I may be more inclined to pierce through ignorance and delusion like the bow and arrows of those before me.

Mog the Dog here. My favorite human companion took her first breath of life on August 22nd and exhaled it on the 23rd, so I cannot help but think of her whenever I see the image of the Great Sphynx.

So, how would I describe her? She is fiercely independent, lion-hearted, logical, analytical, and generous to a fault. She prefers solitude over social interactions and soul-talk over small talk.

Like Bradbury, she claims to have remembered her own birth, and she laughs out loud when others claim they do not believe her.

If you have read Dandelion Wine, you will know her by the name of Mr. Jonas. There is a depth to her that is daunting to most, intriguing to a few. I, myself, am intrigued.

By the way, I cannot give you my birth date because, as you know, little toy brindle dogs are not born into existence in this neck-o-the-universe, but instead created. I do not know my creation date, but for what it is worth, I became Mog the Dog on December 25, 1965, when the voice connected to a little two-year-old hand clasped 'round the back half of my neck deemed it so.


"I was not born, but instead created. I’m not alive, and yet I exist. I will never die, but some day I will be forgotten, as was the light by which I came into this world." MTD
Posts: 168 | Location: Out of the Attic | Registered: 18 December 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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So the way I see it is your favorite human companion is of the age 47? It tickles the less understanding part of my brain as to why you choose to hold back. That is if you see life through my perspective and consider how fast your life could appear at its end like losing at Pac-Man after playing for 2 hours with your starting lives.

I dare digging deeper to share a story of my past. An event you may know as "Senior Skip" that of which I may recall quiet well under few circumstances. I met a man while quite fortunately having taken a pill known as ecstasy. The man intrigued my deepest interest as I explored us through our responses throughout my body. In the end I questioned nearly every possible thing and he believed me to be screwing with him. Any word I inquired he believed to be some sort of intellectual deception. With no choose left I forced him to part ways and return to his beach house seeing as I knew him for only that hour.

The man reminds me of you in a coincidental sense. Although its nothing greater than you intrigue me. Not a man I've met at any age in this century are ignorant to their own date of creation. Unless they are not ignorant to the depth of the things they say.
Posts: 7 | Location: hampt,va | Registered: 20 June 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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