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Moderators: dandelion, philnic
Could Someone Please Point Me In The Right Direction?
Hello all. I'm not sure if this is how you post a message, for I am technologically inept. I was just wondering if there was some sort of address to which letters for Mr. Bradbury can be sent? I plan on getting "Montag" tattooed onto my shoulder tomorrow, and I thought it would be wonderful to be able to send him a picture and perhaps a letter expressing my appreciation. Mr. Bradbury has taught me how to think freely, and for that he must be thanked.
I appreciate any help that you may give, and if it happens to be on this site somewhere else, I apologize. I do not mean to be lazy in any way. Thankyou very much,

Montag Lives
Posts: 23 | Location: Nashville, IL | Registered: 10 October 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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That information can be found here:


Good luck and be careful regarding your tattoo! The whole idea makes me nervous, since I heard that though the needles may be clean enough, the ink can be contaminated. Tattoo ink is very expensive and it's easy for one or two blood cells to be sucked up into the ink and contaminate a batch--so be sure to go to a reputable place and ask lots of questions regarding safety measures.

Also don't know if I'd take any pictures till the place is all healed...but, whatever.
Posts: 7360 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Per your tatooing "MONTAG" on your shoulder...take the following for what it's worth. It's part of a larger article published in book form. It goes like this:

There's never been a finer man in American sports than John Wooden, or a finer coach. He won ten NCAA basketball championships at UCLA, the last in 1975. Nobody has ever come within six of him. He won 88 straight games between January 30, 1971, and January 17, 1974. Nobody has come with 42 games since.

There has never been another coach like Wooden, quiet as an April snow and square as a game of checkers; loyal to one woman, one school, one way; walking around campus in his sensible shoes and Jimmy Stewart morals. He'd spent a half hour the first day of practice teaching his men how to put on their socks. "Wrinkles can lead to blisters," he would warn them. These huge players would sneak looks at one another and roll their eyes. Eventually, they'd do it right. "Good, good," he would say. "And now for the other foot."

Of the 180 players who played for him, Wooden knows the whereabouts of 172. The things he passed on to them he passes on to their children, on their little lunch bags, who will then roll their eyes. Words like, "Discipine yourself, and others won't need to," Coach would say. "Never lie, never cheat, never steal," Coach would say. "Earn the right to be proud and confident," Coach would say.

You played for him, you played by his rules: Never score without acknowledging a teammate. One word of profanity, you're done for the day. Treat your opponent with respect.

He believed in hopelessly out-of-date stuff that never did anything but win championships. No dribbling behind the back or through the legs. "There's no need," he'd say. No long hair, no facial hair. "They take too long to dry, and you could catch cold leaving the gym."

That one drove his players bonkers! One day, All-American center Bill Walton showed up with a full beard. "It's my right. My freedom," he said, as he towered over the Coach. Wooden asked if he believed that strongly. Walton said he did. "Well, that's good, Bill, that's good. I admire people who have strong beliefs and stick by them, I really do. And we're going to miss you."

Walton shaved it right then and there. And now Walton calls once a week to tell the coach he loves him.

If nothing,else, maybe these words will encourage you to be different, to stand alone. It takes courage to swim upstream against the current. Do it!
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hello again! I went today to get my tattoo. The parlor was extremely clean, and the artist was very nice. He did a wonderful job, and I am quite happy with the finished product. I feel completely comfortable with my choice, and I thank everyone for their advice. I will post pictures once I find someone around my dorm who has a digital camera. I plan to send Mr. Bradbury pictures after it heals slightly, as dandelion suggested. Almost everyone on my floor chooses not to read and doesn't understand the signifigance of Montag. I tell them that Montag, for me, is a symbol of always striving to be a better person, never letting society control me, and always knowing no matter how badly I mess up 'Sunday', 'Monday' is another day...hence Montag. Then I get blank stares, but that is beside the point. Well, once again, I thank everyone for their kind help, and I plan on posting on the entire board quite often now that I understand it.

Montag Lives
Posts: 23 | Location: Nashville, IL | Registered: 10 October 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Enjoyed your description of a non-conformist. Looks like GirlMontag didn't think much of it. Getting a tattoo seems to be the cultural rage for the last 10 or 15 years. Years back it was an anti-establishment sort of thing. Now it's pretty commonplace.
Posts: 384 | Location: Anaheim, CA. | Registered: 21 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I've been an artist all my life and in even the best things I've done I see mistakes, or at least things I would change, or that may reflect philosophies I no longer embrace. To have "artwork" on my body and have to see it every day...
We're now seeing men and women who are in their 60s sporting tattoos on their once-firm bodies...
Many psychologists cosider the current trend of tattooing and piercing a manifestation of self-hatred or at least a plea for attention...
BUT, to each his (or her) own, I suppose...
Posts: 3169 | Location: Box in Braling I's cellar | Registered: 02 July 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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But if I were to get a tattoo, at twenty or seventy-five, I can’t think of a better one than Montag. Good choice, kid.
Posts: 861 | Location: Manchester CT | Registered: 13 August 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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John Wooden attends almost every home game at UCLA and sits in the stands in Pauley Pavillion and signs autographs, as many ask for them, graciously. I have to wonder what he thinks of today's players who have to dunk to be seen as great, and to get noticed by the NBA scouts? It must drive him nuts to see the player put himself first ahead of the team. I am very privilaged to have met Coach and to have been there at the height of the team's success (grad '70). I truly miss the team first attitude of that time that Mr. Wooden so correctly taught his players. Maybe it will come again. UCLA Fight, Fight, Fight!
Posts: 847 | Location: Laguna Hills, CA USA | Registered: 02 January 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Each individual takes different forms of self-expression and I hope yours brings you lasting happiness.

And, of course, up until December 20 you can send Christmas and New Year's greetings to Ray via Nard's thread. https://raybradburyboard.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/6791083901/m/3371008271
If a picture is posted online, there is a method for posting it directly into the thread. These greetings will be delivered directly to Ray's home address, not the other addresses given above, although all are valid.
Posts: 7360 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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See, I choose to be an individual rather than a noncomformist. I have a problem with noncomformists...it seems they are just the same as everyone else in their self-proclaimed stereotype. A noncomfortist would choose to not get a tattoo because no other noncomformists are doing it. An individual makes such decisions to please him or herself. I chose to get my tattoo after much thought and consideration. When I am old and wrinkled, I will still take pride in my decision, for it was mine to make. Carpe Diem...I do not know how old I might grow up to be, but if I live my life worrying about how I will look when I am eighty-seven, would I really be living? I live forever by living each moment, for moments will always exist...even if through other's I have spoken with or a bug I chose not to squash.
Because of this, I take everyone's opinions as they are, but when I go to bed at night I am glad that I followed my own heart, my own soul. Thanks again for everyone's help.
Happy Holidays.

Montag Lives
Posts: 23 | Location: Nashville, IL | Registered: 10 October 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Posts: 861 | Location: Manchester CT | Registered: 13 August 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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this tattoo event:

Could beat this topic into the ground and get absolutely nowhere. Sometimes it's the leisure thing to do when it's snowing outside and too cold to build a snowman... (And since it's very cold in Chicago and snowing...)

In that case:
The word 'nonconformist', in the dictionary (the one I have at hand is 'The Random House Dictionary, a reasonably respectable one)... has, as its 2nd definition: 'A Protestant in England who is not a member of the Church of England.' (Hmm! Who would ever thought that ...!)

And about this heart and soul thing? Well, what do you do with that Biblical mentioning (that 2nd definition sort of skewed me into a religious mind-set for the moment) ...when it's written..."The heart is deceptively wicked, and who could know it?" Hmm! Wonder the writer meant by that!?

Okay! Finally, and this should end it all... one of Bradbury's daughters is supposed to have...many tattoos!! Can't say which one. And how many tattoos. But makes you think for a moment, "I wonder what 'Pappa' had to say when he first heard. Or when he first saw? We may never know!
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Someday, kid, when the books are all gone and people have forgotten how to read. When Jeremiah is thought to be a bullfrog and not a prophet. When you are old and wrinkled and you have to try twice to get out of your chair, perhaps some eager mind will see your tattoo and ask, “Old one, what is a Montag?” And then it will begin. – Best.

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Posts: 861 | Location: Manchester CT | Registered: 13 August 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Say! None of you have heard about Ray getting an ear ring? Just kidding!!!! Although I feel that GirlMontag has the right to do what she wishes and although I would not get a tattoo I have to admit that I was enthralled with a televison show on TLC (The Learning Channel) called "Miami Ink."

It was on at 10 PM (EST) Tuesday evenings and I was so fascinated, even to the extent that I would love to stop by their shop, which is some where in Miami Beach. These people are truly artists and do beautifdul work.

My youngest daughter, Emily, a couple of years ago, got a belly button piercing. My wife and I were not too thrilled about it. But, she was over 21 and what can you say about (now that she is living with us, a refugee of Hurricane Wilma) it.

But remember, The Illustrated Man is totally tattooed. Somewhere a fascination of the tattoo struck Ray to where he came up with a collection of fantastic stories.
Posts: 1525 | Location: Sunrise, FL, USA | Registered: 28 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Harrison Ford told a story of being at dinner with Walter Cronkite when the subject of Ed Bradley of "60 Minutes" getting an earring came up. Cronkite said he wasn't against the idea, "But if I got an earring it would be one of those long dangly ones."

About the tattoo, Ray Bradbury is impressed! https://raybradburyboard.com/eve/forums?a=tpc&s=8881...991010971#3991010971
Posts: 7360 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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