Hey I'm new here and I am not exactly sure if this is the correct place to post this but could you give me some help with this please?
The New York Times said of Fahrenheit 451, “Frightening in its implications…Mr. Bradbury’s account of this insane world, which bears many alarming resemblances to our own, is fascinating.” How would you respond to this evaluation of the novel? Explain your position.
I have my own ideas but I want to hear what others think as well. Thanks.
I have taught F415 for many years. Right now we are just finishing this in a Honors sophomore class. It is fresher today than it "ever" has been. "It was a pleasure to burn!"
The mechanical hound's capabilities are brought to life in a recent edition (11/07) of Popular Mechanics. If you read the passages pertaining to RB's dog and then read this article, you will be amazed at how accurate his writing was (50+yrs ago). We are all being scanned.
Also, the big screens, drugs, ear "shells", illiteracy, war everywhere, and clipped-knowledge vs understanding. ("Hey cousins! How are Paris and Brittany doing today?!")
The "Dover Beach" scene with Montag and the ladies must be in the remake, Mr. Durabont!!