He certainly knit an enduring yarn! What a shame he couldn't wait a few more hours to exit on Friday the 13th!This message has been edited. Last edited by: dandelion,
Posts: 7359 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001
Originally posted by dandelion: So I don't take credit for killing Nimoy although I seem to have killed Davy Jones, Ralph Waite, and Mickey Rooney! Because I thought or spoke of them just before they died. Davy died the next day, Ralph was dead in four days and poor Mickey only lasted about an hour!
Going by current indications, 2017 is shaping up to be as bad as 2016 or worse!* This evening I managed to add another casualty to my hit list and break my own record for least amount of time between thinking about the person and learning they died! One of the films featured in the TCM tribute to Debbie Reynolds was I Love Melvin. Noreen Corcoran was in this, who I noted was, like Debbie Reynolds, a 2016 casualty. This reminded me of Barbara Hale for two reasons: for one, someone told me once that Debbie Reynolds played Sacajawea in the 1955 movie The Far Horizons. It was actually Donna Reed, with Fred MacMurray as Meriwether Lewis and Ray's good friend Charlton Heston as William Clark. Anyhow, when I looked it up after Debbie Reynolds passed away I checked to see if any of the major actors from that film were still alive and at that time Barbara Hale was. So of course I thought of her again, and as soon as I turned on the computer one of the first things I saw was that she had passed away! So add another guilty stain to my list of crimes.
*In which case this thread will spend an awful lot of time being bumped to the top...let's keep track.This message has been edited. Last edited by: dandelion,
Posts: 7359 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001