| "...pointless sociability and friendliness, or slavering devotion and obedience... Dog-lovers base their whole case on these commonplace, servile, and plebeian qualities, and amusingly judge the intelligence of a pet by its degree of conformity to their own wishes." -H.P. Lovecraft "I mean, pigeons and editors both do the icky on the stuff you cherish most. But at least the pigeons don't think, 'Wow, now it sings.'" -Cecil Adams
"Save your freedom. If anyone tells you you may not read Harry Potter because of 'witchcraft', run! Shun him. He's a Fireman."
| Posts: 152 | Location: Formerly SacraDemento, California | Registered: 23 February 2006 |  
| The learned fool writes his nonsense in better language than the unlearned, but still 'tis nonsense. -Benjamin Franklin
"Save your freedom. If anyone tells you you may not read Harry Potter because of 'witchcraft', run! Shun him. He's a Fireman."
| Posts: 152 | Location: Formerly SacraDemento, California | Registered: 23 February 2006 |  
| " Fahrenheit 451 is more relevant today than when it was published 50 years ago. George Bush has made this the most relevant piece of literature ever written." — Frank Darabont
"Live Forever!"
| Posts: 6909 | Location: 11 South Saint James Street, Green Town, Illinois | Registered: 02 October 2002 |  
| In those days, the leader shelters his countrymen by strength, his name the nondescript foilage one passes by. His father before would hold those same reins of power. Tho the son suffers the weight of mockery, his latter days will see goodness. ~Nostradamus, speaking of George W. Bush
| Posts: 624 | Location: San Francisco | Registered: 27 October 2006 |  
| "One of the great things about books is, sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." - George W. Bush (Looks like Nostradamus was right on target about that mockery thing)
"Live Forever!"
| Posts: 6909 | Location: 11 South Saint James Street, Green Town, Illinois | Registered: 02 October 2002 |  
| Too bad no one told Reagan that! But seriously, he wasn't too bad. "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." - ee cummings
"Live Forever!"
| Posts: 6909 | Location: 11 South Saint James Street, Green Town, Illinois | Registered: 02 October 2002 |  
| "... pointless sociability and friendliness, or slavering devotion and obedience... Dog-lovers base their whole case on these commonplace, servile, and plebeian qualities, and amusingly judge the intelligence of a pet by its degree of conformity to their own wishes." -H.P. Lovecraft "When all think alike, no one thinks very much." -Walter Lippmann
"Save your freedom. If anyone tells you you may not read Harry Potter because of 'witchcraft', run! Shun him. He's a Fireman."
| Posts: 152 | Location: Formerly SacraDemento, California | Registered: 23 February 2006 |  