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'The Sweetness and The Light'
posted 03 July 2003 01:20 AM
I've always enjoyed Ray Bradbury's work form the first time i read Fahrenheit 451 back in grade school and realized alot more about my surroundings and the donwfall of modern intelectualism (great irony its probally spelled wrong). anyways i enjoy alot of british musci and i found a song that parralls a title of a RB short sotry, early short story, which i would love to find and read to o how it plays out in the song. So, if anyone knows in what book or where i could find the story 'The Sweatness and The Light'i would be in great debt to,.

A Simply Boy.
Posts: 3 | Registered: 03 July 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 03 July 2003 02:34 AMHide Post
Song lyrics by Billy (Werner?), recorded by Saetia. To my knowledge there is no Bradbury work entitled "The Sweetness and the Light." It's certainly not a novel or a short story, could have been a poem or a phrase used in one. The lyrics certainly have a Bradburyesque ring to them, but aren't enough like any one Bradbury for me to be able to name just one work as its inspiration.
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posted 03 July 2003 03:37 PMHide Post
I'm almost positive it is cuase i was reading a book of compiled sci-fiction authors and i had finished the book and i was reading the notes at the end it had a breif bio about RB and it mention a work called the sweetness and the light or sweetness and light, as soon as i find the book ill be sure to try to show you, just becuase i think you would be interested know Saetia.
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posted 07 July 2003 04:04 PMHide Post
OK now i feel liek an idiot, so i looked it back up and it the fact is he had a story published in a magizine called 'Sweetness and Light'. so i feel like an idiot, my bad.

what really confused me ( or i think did) was, reading it at fast speeds, it said "His early stories appeared in mimeographed magizines with titles such as 'Polaris', 'Fantascience Digest', 'Mikros', and ' Sweetness and Light'." so i got confused not well worded.
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posted 08 July 2003 02:35 AMHide Post
Either a mistake in the textbook, or an omission on the part of Nolan's "The Ray Bradbury Companion," since that publication is not listed in that work. The song seems very evocative of Bradbury, though.
Posts: 2694 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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