| Did you see it? ================================================
"Years from now we want to go into the pub and tell about the Terrible Conflagration up at the Place, do we not?"
| Posts: 1010 | Location: Sacratomato, Cauliflower | Registered: 29 December 2003 |  
| Since this is a WOW! posting forum...tho this has NOTHING to do with Bradbury... this is not only a Wow post, this is also a "I can't Believe THIS is Real" post. (Or is life going by tooooo fast?) Watch the entire short video. And tell me... do you have a hunch that this new iPhone is actually really from the year 2065? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgW7or1TuFk |
| Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002 |  
| Not sure about it being from the year 2065 from the look of the phone itself, but the way they had it mounted in that display case sure creates that kind of impression. Now would be a good time to go and register as trademarks all kinds of words prefixed with "i" - in order to make millions outs of Apple when they decide to use the same name. I thought I might register iSpoon, iCup, iCar, iPen... |
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| quote: Cockneys already feed their kids in an iChair, don't they?
"They'll try and make me study elocution, Because they say my accent isn't right, They can clear the slums as part of their solution, But they're never gonna kill my cockney pride." THE KINKS--Muswell Hillbilly |
| Posts: 1010 | Location: Sacratomato, Cauliflower | Registered: 29 December 2003 |  
| A little cause for pause and reflection... A while back I made a remark in regards to Ebonics. I have no tolerance for Ebonics, no sympathy for those who refuse to learn, or grow, or change their bad habits. Considering my nostalgic feelings for the Cockney accent, this makes me a hypocritical racist. I need to do some soul-searching, and try to understand this and hopefully conquer it. I was not aware of this until now. ================================================
"Years from now we want to go into the pub and tell about the Terrible Conflagration up at the Place, do we not?"
| Posts: 1010 | Location: Sacratomato, Cauliflower | Registered: 29 December 2003 |  
| Braling II, that's one of the worst puns I've seen round these parts. I wish I'd thought of it. grasstains, how astute of you to notice the discrepancy in your own set of beliefs. If only more of us were able to do this. (Without getting angry at ourselves, that is). Anyway, you can still stand by the Muswell Hillbilly's right to his own dialect AND berate "those who refuse to learn, or grow..." And that is by saying that EVERYONE needs to be able to adopt more than one voice, to suit the circumstances we are in at any given moment. Street talk is fine when on the street, but standard English is preferred in more formal situations. As long as the cockney can write a good letter in standard English, all will be well. Same goes for Ebonics (but that isn't very familiar to us on this side of the Pond). |
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| My mother taught me a very important lesson several years ago. We were on the phone and she suddenly paused and said something like, "Oh my god!". So, asked her what was wrong and she said, "There's this black guy walking through the trailer park." and I'm thinking, "Okay, so does he have a knife, or something?" and she says, "No, I just looked up and saw him and my first thought was, 'What's HE doing in here?' " I'll never forget that and will do my best to follow my mother's lead in making no allowances for racism, from myself or others. Until today I was convinced that my ill feelings towards Ebonics was not racially motivated. It's strange to see things as they really are, to see a part of myself which I denied existed. The Emperor sees himself naked. ================================================
"Years from now we want to go into the pub and tell about the Terrible Conflagration up at the Place, do we not?"
| Posts: 1010 | Location: Sacratomato, Cauliflower | Registered: 29 December 2003 |  