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Perchance to Dream (of Ray)
If it's nothing too embarrassing or otherwise bad, how about everyone who happens to dream about Ray posting about it here? I'll go first:

Last night I dreamed I was at Ray's house. A bunch of people (no doubt including some forum members) showed up and Ray took us outside to form into a choir for a video he was shooting. He was very enthusiastic about this, just like him. It must have been Christmas as ice was around and snow on the ground (in L. A. As if.) and people were in hats and coats.

As Ray was organizing us all, lining us up in frame before we began singing, I seemed to be the only one very concerned about another choir across the yard, more than us in number and obviously very good. I was afraid when we started singing they'd drown us out, so I kept going over to them, saying, "Come on, you gotta sing with our choir." I couldn't understand why they wouldn't be honored to join Ray's group, but they kept ignoring me and I didn't get through to them.

Okay, now someone else post so I'm not all alone here.
Posts: 7356 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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dandelion: Oh, nightmares of nightmares! I hate to tell you this... but I actually tried this long time ago, at Christmas. Had a bunch of people coming over to sing Christmas carols in front of Ray's house. But it would be a convincing 'no go'. I forget as to who actually squashed the choir, Ray or Maggie. But the idea nose-dived right there and then ... just the night before Christmas....
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Now, that's just plain scary. Maybe I'll dream and post some more and people can tell me if I have any other psychic connections.
Posts: 7356 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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How very odd this should come up. I have had several dreams over the years which were heavily based on themes and images from Ray's works. And they've all been very different. However, they all had a huge impact on me, emotionally, and it took a long time after awakening to get over the effect it had on me.
There's no way I could describe these dreams at this time, perhaps at some point I will try.
Posts: 4 | Location: IL | Registered: 03 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Interesting, too, about the dreams. Over the years I have dreamed of being at Ray's house. Having been there several times in real life has helped with the imagery in my dreams, this I am sure.

I have had several dreams that I have been involved in some activity with Ray (wishful thinking) but they all have been very positive dreams.
Posts: 1525 | Location: Sunrise, FL, USA | Registered: 28 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I saw the title of this thread and could not help myself.

About eight years ago, when I was just getting some steam in my engine as a writer, I wrote a story that--upon completion--seemed to be in honor of Ray. Of course it's entitled "Perchance to Dream."

The story's never been published; in fact, I think it has the dubious distinction of having been rejected by every sci-fi magazine in North America. Be that as it may, I would like to share it with you, if you'll pardon its sometimes cumbersome prose; a writer can learn a lot in eight years (I hope).

Here's a direct link to the small 60K download in Word format:


All the best to everyone,

Posts: 81 | Location: Somewhere in the Southwest, USA | Registered: 02 October 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thanks SO MUCH for being so thoughtful as to post a link! We should make it a rule for all fiction contributions and maybe all poetry over 25 lines, to post a link, NOT the full piece!
Posts: 7356 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Good story. It really does seem to evoke similar feelings as a few Bradbury stories out there. In fact, I'm surprised it's never been accepted and published. Thanks for sharing.
Posts: 168 | Location: Santa Fe, NM | Registered: 04 December 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I still have two post cards from Robert Heinlein from many years ago. The fact that he wrote me back was awesome, but in his second card he said that he was far too busy writing to respond to fans. What a contrast from Ray with whom I have been corresponding since 1967!

And I loved your name for the ship, Tempus Fugit, as I took Latin and it is one of my favorite idioms.

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Posts: 1525 | Location: Sunrise, FL, USA | Registered: 28 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Check these poems. They hold the essence of Mr. Bradbury's life-long striving to address the topics of existence and the heavens, if but in our meager human terms!

Your conclusion is captivating...vast!

Ironically, it was your post (back a "few" years ago) that edged me into the deep end of the RB pool.
http://www.raybradbury.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000023.html Thanks.
Posts: 2831 | Location: Basement of a NNY Library | Registered: 07 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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