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Discussion Topic  RE: Moby Dick from the Subterranean Press website (in Resources) by philnic
The Welles text I referred to above is now posted on my website, along with a YouTube link to Welles......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Photo Album  RE: Contest (in Resources) by philnic
I don't know the name of the cat, but the man looks a BIT like Ray Bradbury... ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: May 3rd Bradbury Tribute stars Shatner, Astin... (in Resources) by philnic
I downloaded it last night. I've only heard a minute or two so far, but it sounds good to me!...
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Bradbury's Waukegan (in Resources) by philnic
Good point. Or you may have been scared that Mr Dark was still inside. (No, wait a minute, that wou......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Bradbury's Waukegan (in Resources) by philnic
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Bradbury's Waukegan (in Resources) by philnic
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  Bradbury's Waukegan (in Resources) by philnic
In preparation for a forthcoming (and very brief!) visit to Bradbury's hometown of Waukegan, I have ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: American Fantastic Tales (in Resources) by philnic
It occurred to me that they might be trying to avoid the more familiar tales (I didn't immediately r......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  American Fantastic Tales (in Resources) by philnic
Thought this might be of interest: ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  James Owen (in Inspired by Ray?) by philnic
Not an author I was familiar with previously, but James Owen certainly seems to be inspired by Ray: ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  RE: Ruled Paper II- A Miscellany Of Topics. (in Ray's Legacy) by philnic
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  RE: Ruled Paper II- A Miscellany Of Topics. (in Ray's Legacy) by philnic
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  RE: Ruled Paper II- A Miscellany Of Topics. (in Ray's Legacy) by philnic
I believe Bradbury once made a similar statistical point during the Vietnam war, when he pointed out......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  RE: Bradbury on radio (in Resources) by philnic
Well spotted, Brother Tarkas! I'm downloading it right now - should be better than my stuttery recor......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: ROBERT BLOCH: THE MAN WHO COLLECTED PSYCHOS (in Resources) by philnic
Steve, many thanks for alerting us to this book. Bloch deserves more serious study than he has recei......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: How Many Famous People? (in Resources) by philnic
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Discussion Topic  RE: How Many Famous People? (in Resources) by philnic
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: How Many Famous People? (in Resources) by philnic
BII, that belongs on the Braling II message board ("How many famous people has Braling II met?")...
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: How Many Famous People? (in Resources) by philnic
Is it really THREE YEARS since anyone last posted to this thread, or has something gone awry with th......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  Is it just me? LiveCloud login... (in Resources) by philnic
The board switched from "Groupee" to "LiveCloud" today, and it wouldn't let me in. The problem appea......
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