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Discussion Topic  RE: Fahrenheit 451 (in Resources) by philnic
LA Times celebrates Bradbury's 89th birthday by re-printing (with comment) their 1953 review of F451......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  Fahrenheit 451 (in Resources) by philnic
Some thoughts on F451: ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: New Interview with Ray (in Resources) by philnic
Ray's "Juggernaut" from the Saturday Evening Post: ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Happy Birthday, Ray! (in Ray's Legacy) by philnic
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  RE: Fahrenheit 451-The Authorized Adaption (in Resources) by philnic
Here is one of the few negative reviews I've seen of the F451 graphic novel: ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Fahrenheit 451-The Authorized Adaption (in Resources) by philnic
I gather that you recommend this book, then, fjp! Is it a condensed version of the novel, or does i......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Have any of Ray Bradbury's texts been set to music? (in Resources) by philnic
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Have any of Ray Bradbury's texts been set to music? (in Resources) by philnic
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Have any of Ray Bradbury's texts been set to music? (in Resources) by philnic
Yes, Dandelion Wine has been done as a musical. Also Leviathan '99 has been done as an opera. I thin......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: James Owen (in Inspired by Ray?) by philnic
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  RE: James Owen (in Inspired by Ray?) by philnic
You may have posted it; this particular page is about a week old....
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  James Owen (in Inspired by Ray?) by philnic
Not an author I was familiar with previously, but James Owen certainly seems to be inspired by Ray: ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  RE: From Mars to the Midwest: the Geography of one Truly Great American Author (in Ray's Legacy) by philnic
The story behind "Empire Strikes Back" is a bit more complex. It seems that Lucas wasn't too happy w......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  RE: From Mars to the Midwest: the Geography of one Truly Great American Author (in Ray's Legacy) by philnic
Nard, you were very lucky to move in such circles! Did you know that Leigh Brackett wrote the begin......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  RE: From Mars to the Midwest: the Geography of one Truly Great American Author (in Ray's Legacy) by philnic
Speaking of the late Edmond Hamilton (he was mentioned above, honest!), he was recently honoured by ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  Is it just me? LiveCloud login... (in Resources) by philnic
The board switched from "Groupee" to "LiveCloud" today, and it wouldn't let me in. The problem appea......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: ray bradbury story sighting (in Resources) by philnic
K is a good...word?...
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: ray bradbury story sighting (in Resources) by philnic
On The Strand's website, the editor writes: "For our interviews, I had a chance to speak with the l......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Ray Bradbury short story theme of social networking (in Favorite Book/ Story) by philnic
Hi wmelnick, and welcome to the Board. "Social networking" is a difficult one. It seems to me that ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Favorite Book/ Story

Discussion Topic  RE: Do you live in Illinois? (in Resources) by philnic
I posted a similar request for help on a Waukegan messageboard (www.wauktalk.com). So far, one respo......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

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