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Discussion Topic  RE: What Bradbury Story Got You Started? (in Favorite Book/ Story) by dandelion
"Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed" was first collected in "A Medicine for Melancholy" (1959) and then......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Favorite Book/ Story

Discussion Topic  RE: Up to Speed! (in Ray's Legacy) by dandelion
I'm lucky to complete the book once a decade--read DW in the '70s, '80s, '90s, and am now in my "Zip......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  RE: looking for Dial Double Zero (in Favorite Book/ Story) by dandelion
Well, it's an obscure little thing--not listed under that title in Internet Movie Database or any on......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Favorite Book/ Story

Discussion Topic  RE: Time In Thy Flight-help (in Resources) by dandelion
This is a favorite as it's the strong female protagonist who leads the boys in taking action--right ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: DeAngelis board story (in Favorite Book/ Story) by dandelion
Ya gotta know the right sources, hehe....
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Favorite Book/ Story

Discussion Topic  RE: DeAngelis board story (in Favorite Book/ Story) by dandelion
These answers came by way of rec.arts.books.childrens at google groups:......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Favorite Book/ Story

Discussion Topic  RE: Something Wicked This Way Comes In a Commerical? (in Resources) by dandelion
They stole the one phrase from Shakespeare and made up the rest. Ray has nothing to do with car com......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Story Classifications (UNDER CONSTRUCTION!) (in Resources) by dandelion
Thanks. I still have to add any not-previously-published stories from "One More for the Road," plus......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Story Classifications (UNDER CONSTRUCTION!) (in Resources) by dandelion
"The only real problem are the many stories that overlap several categories, and those that defy cla......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Story Classifications (UNDER CONSTRUCTION!) (in Resources) by dandelion
Add that to the growing "Different Material, Same Title," with "Interim," "The Naming of Names," and......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Movies and the "Bradbury feel" (in Favorite Book/ Story) by dandelion
Just caught the 1997 British film, "Photographing Fairies," based on the novel by Steve Szilagyi, on......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Favorite Book/ Story

Discussion Topic  RE: Movies and the "Bradbury feel" (in Favorite Book/ Story) by dandelion
Black hair? Oooh, how about Kyle Chandler? He's intense! He's deep! He's terminally adorable and......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Favorite Book/ Story

Discussion Topic  RE: Movies and the "Bradbury feel" (in Favorite Book/ Story) by dandelion
Didn't know it was a movie, but did know it was the title story of a paperback anthology edited by B......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Favorite Book/ Story

Discussion Topic  RE: looking for "boys grow giant mushrooms..." (in Resources) by dandelion
"Frost and Fire" is in "R is for Rocket," and "Boys! Raise Giant Mushrooms in Your Cellar!" is in "......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Another Ray B. appearance on April 1st . . . (in Resources) by dandelion
We've yet to see pictures from the Star Ceremony or any of these things....
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  Condolences on the passing of Chuck Jones (in Ray's Legacy) by dandelion
Chuck Jones, 89, best known for the Bugs Bunny and Roadrunner cartoons, passed away Friday. He was ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  Anthems and Accuracy (in Resources) by dandelion
Here's an early Saint Patrick's Day present for you all. Having always wondered about the film desc......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  A Chapbook for Burnt-Out Priests (in Resources) by dandelion
Although "Journey to Far Metaphor," "Kaleidoscope," and "One Timeless Spring" may not exist, this on......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Three Questions that are bugging me! (in Favorite Book/ Story) by dandelion
I can if they make some arrangement whereby people could e-mail pictures in and a webmaster could po......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Favorite Book/ Story

Discussion Topic  RE: Complete Story Listings (in Resources) by dandelion
Yes, everyone pray for good health and prosperity for Donn Albright! If anything happens to him, th......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

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