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Discussion Topic  Technology in The Veldt (in Resources) by zoe712
This story does a superb job of telling the tale of what could happen if technological advances get ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  Literary Themes in "The Next in Line" from The October Country (in Resources) by Shmi
I guess the subject line is pretty self explanatory -- I haven't finished reading The October Countr......
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Discussion Topic  Favorite Funny Bradbury Stories (in Favorite Book/ Story) by poorlittletally
Uncle Einar and Touched with Fire and The Watchful Poker Chip of H. Matisse (You know the one about ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Favorite Book/ Story

Discussion Topic  The 2021 Locus Awards Nominations (in Inspired by Ray?) by Richard
The Locus Science Fiction Foundation has announced the top ten finalists in each category of the 202......
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Discussion Topic  The Great Shout of the Universe (in Resources) by Richard
In talks he gave, Ray Bradbury on occasion would discuss "The Great Shout of the Universe", a script......
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Discussion Topic  Bradbury Out of Print (in Resources) by echoes
Does anyone know what "Summer Morning, Summer Night" is no longer in print?! Shouldn't all Ray B. be......
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Discussion Topic  Ray Bradbury and the Rock Band KISS (in Resources) by echoes
Bradbury biographer Sam Weller snuck in some Ray. B on page 5 of this very interesting article about......
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Discussion Topic  Ray Bradbury on Screenwriting (in Resources) by Richard
The link below will take you a lecture that Ray Bradbury gave to students at Sherwood Oaks Experimen......
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Discussion Topic  Ray and the National Committee for A Sane Nuclear Policy (in Ray's Legacy) by Richard
Little known fact: in the late 1950's, Ray Bradbury became involved in the National Committee for A ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  2020 Nebula Ray Bradbury Award Nominees (in Ray's Legacy) by Richard
The Ray Bradbury Nebula Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation is given each year by the Scienc......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  "Ray Bradbury's Beautiful Bad Weather" (in Ray's Legacy) by Richard
The link below will take you to an excerpt from an article called "Ray Bradbury's Beautiful Bad Weat......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  "The Pedestrian": An Animated Version (in Favorite Book/ Story) by Richard
Attached below is a link to a wonderful version of Ray Bradbury's short story "The Pedestrian", by a......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Favorite Book/ Story

Discussion Topic  John W. Campbell, Henry Miller and John Steinbeck walk into a bar... (in Ray's Legacy) by jkt
Here is something else Thomas Steinbeck said to Ray and I hope I phrase this right. John Steinbeck,......
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Discussion Topic  Ray's signature (in Resources) by Fred Hilary
I don't know if this is allowed as it involves sharing a pic from an ebay listing. So please remove ......
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Discussion Topic  Bradbury Links (in Resources) by douglasSP
File 770 (which frequently features contributions by John King Tarpinian), has provided a battery of......
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Discussion Topic  On This Day in History (in Ray's Legacy) by jkt
Born 1869: Mahatma Gandhi Born 1890: Groucho Marx Born 1895: Bud Abbott 1955: Alfred Hitchcock Pre......
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Discussion Topic  Help on finding a book (in Resources) by MR4
Hi people, is a pleasure to find a place where Ray Bradbury´s readers are living. I am deeply dissap......
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Discussion Topic  Americans out (in Resources) by paddymachinegun
I was in the middle of writing a Spanish report for class when I recalled the Bradbury story about t......
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Discussion Topic  "Bradbury 100 - A Green Town Story" (in Ray's Legacy) by Richard
In honor of Ray Bradbury's 100th birthday last year, the City of Waukegan created a wonderful short ......
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Discussion Topic  Ask RAY BRADBURY: Autumn\Fall '07 Q&A (in Resources) by Nard Kordell
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Discussion Topic  Ray Bradbury and the Last Global Pandemic (in Ray's Legacy) by Sam Weller
Hello All! I just published this in the Los Angeles Review of Books (link at the bottom). There is ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  Lost City Book Club-The Illustrated Man (in Ray's Legacy) by Richard
Lost City Books is a book store in Washington, D.C. Once a month, the store hosts an on-line Lost Ci......
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Discussion Topic  Ray in Japanese Sci-Fi Magazine (in Ray's Legacy) by Richard
I recently acquired a magazine published in Japan in 2012, shortly after Ray Bradbury's death, calle......
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Discussion Topic  THE JAIL Television Production (in Resources) by Richard
In February of 1962, the television series ALCOA PREMIERE presented "The Jail", scripted by Ray Brad......
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Discussion Topic  Dial Double Zero (in Favorite Book/ Story) by minn8918
I have searched in vain over the years to find a story that RB wrote called "Dial Double Zero". I r......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Favorite Book/ Story

Discussion Topic  Dedicated My First Published Poem to Ray (in Inspired by Ray?) by Silvatiicus
Friends, my poem, "In Which One Partakes in Their Own Disappearance on the Eve of Halloween" has bee......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  Workshop for Writers (in Inspired by Ray?) by writerish
Are you a short story writer, or aspiring to be? ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  One Way to Combat Book Burning? (in Inspired by Ray?) by Richard
Today's FRANK AND ERNEST cartoon can be accessed by clicking on the link below. ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  New Omnibus Edition of R IS FOR ROCKET/S IS FOR SPACE (in Resources) by Richard
In its newsletter of today's date, the U.K. publishing firm PS Publishing announced that they have r......
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Discussion Topic  Icarus Montgolfier Wright (in Ray's Legacy) by Richard
Today's SPEED BUMP cartoon was definitely not a scene included in the Academy-Award nominated short ......
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Discussion Topic  Trapdoor (in Resources) by douglasSP
Years ago, I posted a comment that the ending of "Trapdoor", in its original Omni publication, was d......
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Discussion Topic  Ray Bradbury Award for Science Fiction & Fantasy (in Ray's Legacy) by Richard
Is there a budding young Ray Bradbury in your family? The Ray Bradbury Award for Science Fiction & F......
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Discussion Topic  Stephen King (in Ray's Legacy) by sweetheart
was obviously influenced by Bradbury's books. So is P.J.Farmer ("Riverworld")....
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Discussion Topic  Ray Bradbury And The Dyslexic Daughter (in Inspired by Ray?) by Richard
The following link will take you to a touching article written by a mother whose daughter, a huge Ra......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  Radio Version of "The Crowd" on SUSPENSE (in Ray's Legacy) by Richard
The link below will take you to a radio adaptation of the Ray Bradbury short story, "The Crowd", as ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  Writer's block and reading Ray. (in Inspired by Ray?) by Oscar Deadwood
I am new around here and I would have to imagine this topic has been discussed, but I have to throw ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  Dial Double Zero (in Resources) by Scott Filderman
For anyone interested, I have a VHS copy of "The Story of a Writer" from 1963. It contains the drama......
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Discussion Topic  "Dial Double Zero"? (in Resources) by Shelma9
I seem to have gotten in my head over the past 20 years that a vignette I saw on television in the e......
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Discussion Topic  "The Dark and Starry Eyes of Ray Bradbury" (in Ray's Legacy) by Richard
The link below will take you to a fine article by Lauren Weiner, from the Summer, 2012 issue of THE ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  WALKING ON AIR (in Ray's Legacy) by Richard
I recently found an old VHS tape of the 1986 made-for-TV film, WALKING ON AIR, which aired on PBS an......
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Discussion Topic  Cosmic Bradbury Writing Contest (in Inspired by Ray?) by Richard
The Waukegan Illinois Public Library is holding a Cosmic Bradbury Writing Contest. Submissions shoul......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  Poet Amanda Gorman (in Inspired by Ray?) by Richard
Like so many others, I was greatly impressed by the reading at yesterday's Presidential inauguration......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  Ray Bradbury at 100: A Conversation Between Sam Weller and Dana Gioia (in Resources) by Richard
From the LA Review of Books, in commemoration of the centennial of Ray Bradbury, Sam Weller sat down......
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Discussion Topic  HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021! (in Ray's Legacy) by dandelion
Hoping things improve!...
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Discussion Topic  New Year's Eve (in Ray's Legacy) by dandelion
Hoping for a happy or at least improved New Year!...
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Discussion Topic  Merry Christmas (in Resources) by Sam Weller
Hello everyone! Just wanted to wish all my Bradbury family a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and w......
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Discussion Topic  TO ALL--- (in Inspired by Ray?) by RANDY HAUCK
TO ALL---...
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  Dark Carnival — Where To Find the Stories (in Resources) by douglasSP
The following was posted on Facebook, but I feel it belongs here as well: Ray Bradbury's classic fi......
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Discussion Topic  Elton’s Rocket Man based on Ray’s...Rocket Man! (in Resources) by greenray
In today’s LA Times, Bernie Taupin, Elton John’s lyricist says, “The song Rocket Man is based on a R......
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Discussion Topic  Oct. County Bob Jacobs.. (in Resources) by RANDY HAUCK
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