| Just finished rereading "I, Robot" to prepare for seeing the movie. Now I'm reading a book called "Seven For Oregon," written by our own Dandelion. I'm only 30 pages into it, but I'm loving it!! Dandelion, you have a way with words! I love all the descriptions of the wildlife, the land, the Native American attire, and more. It's very vivid and fascinating, as well as informative. I can't wait to read more. And for all of you regulars who have not yet read it, get with it!! |
| Posts: 581 | Location: Naperville, IL 60564 | Registered: 04 January 2003 |  
| Currently in rotation are Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, E.E. Cummings Complete Works, The Oxbow Incident, and I just found my copy of Spoonriver Anthology under my nightstand yesterday. I am working on my poetical skills, hence the Cummings and Masters. Cummings was a genius.
There is no knowledge where there is no wisdom. There is no wisdom but in submission to the gods. Big words are always punished, and proud men in old age learn to be wise.
| Posts: 3 | Location: Phx,AZ | Registered: 11 July 2004 |  
| hey Mr. Dark...the secret life of Bees was good...I just finished the October Country and I will be moving on to The Apples of the Sun...Can't wait!!!
Lauren Murray
| Posts: 26 | Location: Snellville, GA, United States | Registered: 07 July 2004 |  
| Has anyone ever read Sophie's World
Lauren Murray
| Posts: 26 | Location: Snellville, GA, United States | Registered: 07 July 2004 |  
| Next try Good Wives. Continuation of Little Women. Cheers, Translator
Lem Reader
| Posts: 626 | Location: Maple, Ontario, Canada | Registered: 23 February 2004 |  
| Just finished Micromegas and Zadig; voltaire was a genius. Cheers, Tanslator
Lem Reader
| Posts: 626 | Location: Maple, Ontario, Canada | Registered: 23 February 2004 |  
| Well, Mr. Dark...that book changed my life. at first it may seem like a rookie philosophy book told through the eyes of a 14 year old girl...but OH what a wonderful book...if i ruled the world i would make it the law that everyone between 7 and 100 read it. I think you should too, believe me it's a complete waste of knowledge and life if you just let it sit around.
Lauren Murray
| Posts: 26 | Location: Snellville, GA, United States | Registered: 07 July 2004 |  
| Well, Mr. Dark...That book changed my life...no BS. At first glance it may seem like a rookie philosophy novel told by a 14 year old Norweigan girl...but it really is amazing. Believe me it is a complete waste of knowledge and life to leave it sitting around. If i were the law, everyone would have to read it before age 7. You'll thank me later.
Lauren Murray
| Posts: 26 | Location: Snellville, GA, United States | Registered: 07 July 2004 |  
| Only about 30 pages into Atlas Shrugged. Just finished Animal Farm. Your guess is as good as mine for what I'll read next. |
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