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My faves ================================================ 1) THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME (1939) Laughton, O'Hara 2) RAISING ARIZONA 3) MARY SHELLEY'S FRANKENSTEIN (1995) Brannaugh, DeNiro 4) DESTROY ALL MONSTERS - Godzilla 5) GAMERA: Guadian Of The Universe (1997) 6) INVADERS FROM MARS (1953) 7) THEM (1954) 8) INVASION OF THE BODYSNATCHERS (1956) 9) THE BLOB (1958) 10) LABYRINTH 11) ANGELS WITH DIRTY FACES (1938) - Cagney, Bogart 12) THE ROARING TWENTIES (1939) - Cagney, Bogart 13) JOHNNY DANGEROUSLY - Michael Keaton, Peter Boyle, Joe Piscopo 14) MONTY PYTHON'S HOLY GRAIL 15) LITTLE BIG MAN - Dustin Hoffman 16) THE BEAR 17) ENEMY MINE - Dennis Quaid, Louis Gosset Jr. 18) STAR TREK II The Wrath Of Kahn 19) STAR TREK III The Search For Spock 20) STAR TREK V The Final Frontier And TREMORS ================================================ "I don't know anything." | |||
Oh, how could I ever forget these? 21) POLTERGEIST 22) POLTERGEIST II 23) CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND 24) JAWS 25) HELLRAISER 26) HELLRAISER II 27) THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY 28) OUTLAW JOSEY WALES 29) ANTZ 30) THE IRON GIANT ================================================ To post you have to scroll to the right. ================================================ "Years from now we want to go into the pub and tell about the Terrible Conflagration up at the Place, do we not?" | ||||
Watch it! This could turn into a very large list of very large lists! Ah, what the heck. If I decide to contribute, though, it's going to take some time to prepare...My favourites go back to the Silent Era! | ||||
Get out of my way. 31) MY SCIENCE PROJECT 32) THE YELLOW SUBMARINE 33) ERNEST SCARED STUPID 34) ERNEST GOES TO CAMP 35) SHE'S HAVING A BABY 36) ENCINO MAN 37) PUMP UP THE VOLUME 38) LEGENDS OF THE FALL 39) TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA - James Mason, Kirk Douglas 40) THE BUCCANEER (1958) - Yul Brynner ================================================ "I don't know anything." | ||||
Off the top: TOP 10 FAVORITES: Listed order not absolutely locked in that order (1) EXORCIST (the original). Saw it 12 times in its initial showing at the movies. Perfect movie. (Later version a disaster!) (2) CHARIOTS OF FIRE (after the first 1 minute, I realized THIS was special.) Saw it 20 times since. A great movie NOT about running!!! But about the things a Jew and a Christian hold most dear. (3) 1776 (saw this 10 times in the initial showing at the theaters. )Music/lyrics inspired. At times, only one in the theater. Not commercially successful as a motion picture, but as a stageplay. But the movie is beautiful nonetheless. (4) DARK CITY (2001) directed by Alex Proyas. wOw! Turn off the lights, be alone in the house, and watch this movie. Now THIS is what I call scary!!!! (5) BARTON FINK by the Cohen Brothers. A near perfect film. The last scene cannot be described other than priceless. But you have to see the entire movie to appreciate it. (6) FARGO Another Cohen Brothers movie. Stunning! (7) O, BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU I find this movie just wonderful movie making. (8) WATERWORLD You can tune into any part of this movie, have a TV dinner, and be entertained. I like its versatilty in this regard. Worldwide it made it's money back and then some. (9) SUNSET BOULEVARD Gloria Swanson where are you today? (10) THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES Brilliant movie of returning GI's from World War 2. Filmed in 1946, this is as real a movie about real people and real life as you will find anywhere. NOTE: I'd say to a younger crowd out there, if you want to get a piece of what the hopes and dreams of American life used to look like after a War where 65 + million people died, tune-in this nearly 3 hr. MASTERPIECE. (For those impressed, it also won ' 7 Academy Awards, including Best Picture. Most recent movies are just plain catch our attention and mesmerize us... and MORE: Saving Private Ryan War of the Worlds Minority Report Ronan Midnight Express Close Encounters of a Third Kind Happy Feet etc etc. (And many are just plain entertaining. Period!!) | ||||
Vote for Pedro. | ||||
Mine too, in fact, my favourite comedy is a beautiful 1931 piece of celluloid called City Lights. "Live Forever!" | ||||
Haven't seen it - heard it was one of the worse pictures of that (or any) year. No? "Live Forever!" | ||||
Not long before he died, Gene Siskle said FARGO was the closest thing to the "perfect" film he'd ever seen. So, being a big fan of RAISING ARIZONA, I ran out to see it. And hated it. I went in expecting a quirky, dark comedy like RAISING ARIZONA and ended up seeing something which more resembled PULP FICTION. Just me, I usually hate the ones everybody else likes and love the ones the critics and everybody else hate. Like STAR TREK, my favorite is the one (V) where Spock's brother hijacks the Enterprise to take a trip to go see God. Everybody hates that one and most people seem to like the one with the whales (IV) and the time-travel. I hate that one almost as much as the first one. SPOCK ON A TROLLEY!!! ================================================ "Years from now we want to go into the pub and tell about the Terrible Conflagration up at the Place, do we not?" | ||||
Another one Siskel loved: Babe: Pig in the City - brilliant! Pulp Fiction was brilliant - almost as brilliant as Fargo.
Star Trek 4 was my favourite. "Live Forever!" | ||||
I know, I know, everybody likes that one. It just freaks me out seeing them in the here-and-now when they should be out there, star trekking. The movie did provide me with that great exclamation of surprise--SPOCK ON A TROLLEY!!! ================================================ "Years from now we want to go into the pub and tell about the Terrible Conflagration up at the Place, do we not?" | ||||
DS, City Lights has come up before here on the old board-a-roonie. That last shot of Chaplin...wow...one of the most powerful images on film. | ||||
You got that right, sir! "Live Forever!" | ||||
Also provided us with that wonderful line (imagine Scottish accent): "A keyboard - how quaint." "Live Forever!" | ||||
Music is a huge part of the movie experience for me. If the music isn't right, I just don't enjoy the movie as much. A perfect example is the movie WITNESS--great screenplay, script, cinematography, performances... extremely dated soundtrack. This used to be my favorite movie up until about ten years ago. The syntho soundtrack works for me in some films (CHARIOTS OF FIRE, BLADERUNNER) but for some reason it now ruins WITNESS for me. While watching WOLF (Nicholson, Spader) I was in the theatre tripping out during the very intense big bad wolf showdown between the two werewolves because the soundtrack inexplicably had this cool jazzy saxaphone music. I blurted out (the only time in my life I've done this) "SAXAPHONE?!?" . ================================================ "Years from now we want to go into the pub and tell about the Terrible Conflagration up at the Place, do we not?" | ||||
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