I'm hoping you can help me pay a small chivalry to a woman of infinite kaleidoscopic beauty, who saw the Bradbury books on my shelf and told me there was a story she read years ago that she's been trying to find.
I'm almost certain it's a Bradbury story, because she's not the type to mix up an important detail like that. Here is my best recollection of what she described about the story:
The main characters are a married couple who love the theatre. (I got the impression they were an older couple, married a long time ... but I'm not sure if that was told to me, or if my brain just filled it in for no apparent reason.) I think the main thrust of the story is that they love the theatre so much more than they can afford to attend plays, so they often act out plays together, just the two of them.
Does this ring any bells with anyone?? Many thanks for weighing in with any thoughts or suggestions!
I wholeheartedly agree with dandelion that this sounds like something Bradbury might have written. ("After the Ball" has a similar feel, for instance.)
But all the same, I must reluctantly conclude that it's probably not him. I scanned through my notes for the last four story collections (where this sort of thing is most likely to appear), but nothing corresponds. And it's certainly not a famous story, or an entry in one of the early collections.
Perhaps philnic knows of a TV adaptation that sounds like the description? They're sometimes quite different from the stories they're based on.
Posts: 702 | Location: Cape Town, South Africa | Registered: 29 December 2001
Before posting my answer, I checked tables of contents for Long After Midnight, The Golden Apples of the Sun, and A Medicine for Melancholy and there's nothing like that in any of them either.
Posts: 7354 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001
Sometimes people mistake stories in collections Ray edited as being by him, but nothing like this would be in those books which were a different type of story--they all had a more Twilight Zonish slant.
Posts: 7354 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001