Dave, you made so many excellent observations and I'm going to read this book again, now that you got me thinking about some stuff.
You mentioned television in your message. I think "The Veldt", in "The Illustrated Man", is one of the most prophetic thing that Ray has ever written.
And your message made me think of a great non-RB book that I've read several times, "Amusing Ourselves To Death" by Neil Postman. He makes the point that there is no need for censorship when most people choose amusement or entertainment over information.
Posts: 31 | Location: San Francisco | Registered: 17 October 2008
hi DavidTVC15, Thanks for your comments and i'll check out the book "amusing ourselves to death" sounds good, and rings true about the modern world, it's quite sad when you realise all this knowledge & technology mankind has and it's still can't get the basics right, or even go in the right direction !! Anyway came across this by chance so just thought i'd share this link with you,and all on forum... a 90 mins dramatisation of "Fahrenheit 451" not heard it myself yet but it's on BBC iplayer - radio 7 website available until 14th november, click on the link below; regards Dave
ps just realised your screen name , is it reference to david bowie song ?? if so ! a great choice too , have you heard another one of bowies' song's called "time will crawl" ?? it's fantasic, and not one of his most widely know stuff also loved the "Heathen--CD" as well as all his stuff .
They should include Guy Montag's picture and a brief video clip of him running away from authorities...so the metaphor makes sense to at least a few of us!
Sadly, sadly...the young Mildreds are being put into a happy state 24/7. Education then steps in and keeps the rows nice and straight: "Seven eights are fifty-six. Eight eights are sixty-four. Nine eights are seventy-two. Ten eights are eighty."
A new edition of FAHRENHEIT 451 has been published in the U.K. by the Folio Society, with illustrations by Sam Weber. For ordering information about the book, and to see pictures of its illustrations posted on Mr. Weber's website (along with his comments on working on the book), click on the following links:
(Facebook, cellphones, charge cards, i-pods, gps, e-mails, now tv's!! "Obit" of human freedom and individuality. RE: Albert Brock, "Just leave me alone!")
Posts: 2832 | Location: Basement of a NNY Library | Registered: 07 April 2005