| thao you know the movie we're watching right now is actually creepy... especially when that old lady was being bruned.... :P
| Posts: 19 | Location: wausau, WI | Registered: 18 November 2004 |  
| the movie was very dissapointing to me, considering the talent involved. and it went way to far from the original story. faber and the hound weren't even in it.
"The drain of talent - pure talent - from one single department, Feature Animation, has been absolutely gut-wrenching in the past year. People are being asked to leave because management - meaning Michael Eisner - can't figure out what to do with them. That is not the fault of the talent... it's the fault of management." <br />�Roy E. Disney <br /><br />savedisney.com<br />for future generations
| Posts: 47 | Location: wilmington, DE, USA | Registered: 07 December 2004 |  
| i hate you, movies are never better than the books. unless your one of those people with zero imagination who have to be fed images by a tube.
| Posts: 40 | Location: st.cloud, MN, USA | Registered: 08 December 2004 |  