| I started reading Bradbury so long ago I can't remember what the first story I read was... but I know that when I was younger, everything he wrote frightened and attracted me at the same time. He is truly a genius. |
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| To be honest, I didn't even know who Ray Bradbury was until my 9th grade English teacher had us read Fahrenheit 451. It has since become my favorite book... ever. Later, we read A Sound of Thunder, which became my favorite short story until 11th grade, when that same teacher introduced me to Usher II (my now MOST favorite short story).
"Go ahead now, you second-hand litterateure, pull the trigger!"
| Posts: 7 | Location: Dresden, NY, USA | Registered: 28 October 2004 |  
| My first Bradbury story was "Mars Is Heaven" (aka "The Third Expedition"). I was 13 years old, and was entirely blown away. Some of my other early favorites were "Shapes of Things" (aka "Tomorrow's Child"), "The Burning Man" and "The October Game" (in my opinion, one of the greatest horror tales ever written).
There is more than one way to burn a book.
| Posts: 12 | Location: Seattle WA King | Registered: 24 October 2004 |  
| My first story by Bradbury was "Fire and Ice", found in my school library in an SF anthology in about, oh, 1974.
John Carter, Desklord of Mars
| Posts: 3 | Location: Galax VA USA | Registered: 30 October 2004 |  
| All Summer in a Day is such a powerful story that I find I tear up even reading posts concerning it. My favorite short story from an emotional point of view. quote: Originally posted by Tanja: "All Summer in a Day"
I was in the 2nd grade, I think. And the teacher read the story to the class. It was horrible and wonderful in a way that was beyond my comprehension at the time. It lived inside me for years -- the way the sun was described as a copper penny, the cruel way the little girl was treated by her classmates, the terror of being locked in a closet. I didn't know who Ray Bradbury was. I didn't even know the name of the story for many years. But one day, I was in a bookstore and it came to me. It HAD to be a Ray Bradbury story. I just KNEW it. I picked up a collection of his short stories, scanned through the table of contents, and there it was.
Of course, I bought the book...
| Posts: 1 | Location: S. Glastonbury, CT, USA | Registered: 25 December 2004 |  