| I think the fact that they are setting fires rather than putting them out is very original. This book makes me think about what is going to happen in the future, is the government going to totally take control? Are flowers going to supposedly "live off other flowers." and are fireworks going to come from the chemistry of the earth? This posts alot of questions in my mind about the future, and it kind of scares me, but then i remember, this is just a book! But It gives you the chance to think about what is going to happen in the future. I also have a question about the book, what do you think happens to clarisse? Does she really get run over by a car? Or do you think that they were trying to kill Montag but instead they killed another man? I also think that it is kind of sad that Millie is dieing, even though you may not think that Montag cares about Millie, deep down inside he really does. |
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| quote: Originally posted by srzegocki: I think the fact that they are setting fires rather than putting them out is very original. This book makes me think about what is going to happen in the future, is the government going to totally take control? Are flowers going to supposedly "live off other flowers." and are fireworks going to come from the chemistry of the earth? This posts alot of questions in my mind about the future, and it kind of scares me, but then i remember, this is just a book! But It gives you the chance to think about what is going to happen in the future. I also have a question about the book, what do you think happens to clarisse? Does she really get run over by a car? Or do you think that they were trying to kill Montag but instead they killed another man? I also think that it is kind of sad that Millie is dieing, even though you may not think that Montag cares about Millie, deep down inside he really does.
srzegocki,I completely agree with you.From the very first part in this book, Ray Bradbury's words have a huge impact on you and make you start looking more twards the future of our society.As you say, yes it is just a book, but it really makes you feel that you are some-what in the same socity as the characters in the book. Many times while reading it, i thought to myself that i can relate to the world they live in, having everything controled, and only being able to do certain things. Everytime the scene with the parlor came in to play, it amazed me that we in a way are like Mildred and her friends. We sometimes get so caught up with technology such as T.V and computers, that we don't "have time" to realize how beautiful the world is or how unique a flower can be. That is why i loved Clarrise in this novel, she brought sence to the book and showed Montag that there is more to life and not just his work and so called history. About your question of what really happened to Clarrise: i have to say i am still debating on that. I did believe that she got ran over by a car as they said she did, but you started to make me wonder. It is very possible that the goverment had kept track of her, as they said that the goverment kept track of all the "weird people" in their society. It is possible that Captain Beaty was trying to warn Montag as that was his sign along with the Mechanical Hound. And yes, i also belive that Montag does care about Millie. For even after she turned him in, he still kept talking about her and mentioning her. But i do believe that he felt more pity and sadness for her over all other emotions. |
| Posts: 3 | Location: Lemont, Il, USA | Registered: 27 August 2004 |  
| quote: Originally posted by schuhbre001: [QUOTE]Originally posted by AnettB: [B]My favorite book by Ray Bradbury is, Fahrenheit 451! Its kinda werid what the story is about because who would set fires instead of putting them out? But, i still liked it in a way!
I thought this book was very itteresting in many ways. For example, i would never thing that there would be a law against reading books. Also, if anyone found or heard you had a book in your house the firemen would come and take yours books and burn them. One time the firemen went to go burn an old ladys house down because she had books in her house. But then she ran back into her house and burned with her books. Also, i would know what i would do if there was a law that you wouldnt be able to read certain things, because i need to know whats going on in the world today. Theres so many problems and isues going on in the world and in 451 they didnt want anyone to be smarter then the firemen so they wouldnt know what was going on around them.
I also thought that this book was very interesting. It really made me think about how important books are in our society, and their are many people that have a deep passion for books.. enough to commit suicide. Books are everything we know, just written down. The fact that montag wanted to quit his job for the sake not having to burns books, that shows what kind of person he really is. If i had to do a job that had to deal with something i wasnt comfortable with i would definetly do somthing about it. What really bothers me about this whole Society is the fact that they totally turned around a firemen's job. Instead fighting fires their starting fires, for instance when mantag was showing beatty the history of a fireman, it showed that they were heroes. In my opinion i think they should have just removed the books from the house seperatly and not the the house down with them, come on thats rediculous. It just makes you wonder, what would this world be like without any books? |
| Posts: 6 | Location: Lemont, il US | Registered: 26 August 2004 |  