I would have first read this at the age of 15, and still one of my favorites, I think it could be classed as a good introduction to Mr Bradbury. I have since hunted down every book I can lay my hand on, isn't the internet just a wonderful place.
My other favourites would be "Something Wicked this way comes" (and I like the movie too), and Fahrenheit 451 (both of which I didn't read until I was 23 or 24.
Wow.I agree.I in fact am a martian myself. Very nice. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!Yes internet is wonderful.I cannot survive unless I suck radiation from my computer insides. You should try it some time,It is tastes very nice.
If someone would like to read poetry in a novel (book) form, The Martian Chronicles comes as close as anything I've read. Dandelion Wine is great, but MC consistently paints, dances, and sings the English language.
It also speaks of the future in an intriguing manner. The IMAX presentation NASA: The Space Station (3D) evokes Mr. Bradbury's predictions, approach to Mars, and the spirit of the men and women that will land humans on the mysterious Red Planet. (Has anyone seen this? RB's works were played out in reality on the screen.)
The rockets and spacemen, the thunder and fire of the blast offs, the inifinite expanse of space, the technical know how, the mix of expertise, bravery, and suspense, the dreams of what will be - Mr. Bradbury was there 50 years ago!!
Good thing Mr. Bradbury took us to the Red Planet via his far-sighted US launch pads of the '50's, as it seems the first foot on Mars may well belong to some other pioneer! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/201...ssia_mission_to_mars
Posts: 2831 | Location: Basement of a NNY Library | Registered: 07 April 2005
I don't know what's more disturbing: world leaders who fail to see the value of space exploration, or world leaders who believe that SF stories are all true!
Martian Chronicles is one of the first books of Bradbury's that I ever read.....won't tell you how long ago that was....but.... Anyway....the book is great!!...saw the movie/series and wasn't so impressed with it...book was (as usual) much much better.
Dave S.
Posts: 15 | Location: New Jersey, USA | Registered: 10 September 2011
We had to read The Martian Chronicles for 11th grade English. That was my introduction to Ray Bradbury and I have been reading his works ever since. Today, I found a nice hardcover of Long After Midnight, which I have been wanting to get forever., I have a hard time picking just one book by Bradbury as my favorite. The Martian Chronicles, The Illustrated Man, The October Country, Fahrenheit 451, Dandelion Wine, Something Wicked This Way Comes and even The Halloween Tree. I think they are all great works of literature. Especially this time of year, I always want to read his stories.
I had already read The Illustrated Man,The October Count and they were quite interesting as well as great.Now I'll be reading The Halloween Tree.I heard from one of my friend that's it really very interesting.