I am doing a school project and we picked an author that we liked and chose a short story by him/her to research. We have to find reviews of the story, mine being "Fever Dream," and I can't find any. Please write me your personal review of this story and give your name and the date that the review was written. Send it via e-mail to rinkilee@hotmail.com and subject it "Fever Dream." Thank you so much!
Hmmmm. Are you sure your assignment for class isn't to write your own review of the story? If so, you will get far more personal satisfaction (and probably a much better grade) by writing it yourself rather than letting others do your homework for you. (Sorry for being so cynical...it's just my nature.)
Yes. This is not a really long RB work. It does have a troublesome plot, but the analysis of what it means should come to you the second time through. So read then re-read it.
Jot down some ideas as you are reading and then review them together as you get better organized. Be sure to take a few extra minutes to write the ideas out as an essay. That's it. You've done it. Your own review and your own ideas. Amazing!
[This message has been edited by fjpalumbo (edited 03-16-2004).]