| I agree that The Toynbee Convector is a wonderful collection. Even before I read the title story, I saw that episode on the Ray Bradbury Theater. As with most of those adaptations, they're very true to the original story. I just reread "The Last Circus." Some very interesting cross-breedings in that one. Atom bombs and circuses, beginnings and endings, comings and going aways . . . |
| Posts: 75 | Location: Texas | Registered: 02 October 2001 |  
| quote: Originally posted by scanner: The Sound of Thunder, makes me think about the consequences of small actions that seem so insignifigant but could have such long range effects.
Rumor has it that there is a movie version of A Sound of Thunder in the works, and that Pierce Brosnon will star. [This message has been edited by Lance (edited 11-02-2001).] |
| Posts: 75 | Location: Texas | Registered: 02 October 2001 |  
| God bless my 8th grade teacher for making Martian Chronicles required reading. Having said that, I'm trying to find the title to a Bradbury (I think) story, about a planet where it rains every day of the year but one. The scene is a primary school whith kids playing outside on the one day it doesn't rain...ring any bells? TIA |
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| And if you're reading A Medicine for Melancholy, then you absolutely must read "The Day it Rained Forever." The imagery is so real you'll sweat. At least, that is, until the rain begins to fall . . . |
| Posts: 75 | Location: Texas | Registered: 02 October 2001 |  
| I'm interning at the local high school this year through a program with Penn State, and am working with a 12th grade English teacher. I'll have the classes to myself on Friday since he's going to a conference, and plan on reading "Kaleidoscope" to the kids...I think it has something for everyone. I'll let you know how it goes!
-Greg M. |
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| Thanks again Scanner. Incredible! I wasn't expecting a reply so quickly. Heading to the bookstore right now. =D |
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| I'm in an elective sci fi class at my high school, and we've read the books "The Illustrated Man", and "Fahrenheit 451", and the short stories "There Will Come Soft Rains" and "The Fire Ballons" are in our textbook. We've also watched The Martian Chronicles, Fahrenheit 451, and The Veldt from I.M. I'm pretty sure that The Veldt was in my literature book in 9th grade, and I remember it from early middle school, as well. Most everyone liked that story, as well as "kaleidoscope", and "The Long Rain". It was funny- only a handful of us were really able to appreciate the literary allusions in "The Exiles". For the most part they went right over a lot of people's heads.... |
| Posts: 2 | Location: Cape Coral, Fl | Registered: 30 November 2001 |  
| Um no offense meant (i say that alot......maybe somethings wrong wid me here....) but i don't think it should be REQUIRED reading....i think that teachers should really get down and personal with the children,,,i homeschool now (im probably the only 12 yr old here.)but i remember i used to go to school,and the teacher never really tried to meet my needs,(i was supposed to be doing 3rd grade math...i have something called Math Dyslexia or something else weird suchas that...my brain was screaming that i wasnt supposed to be doin that stuff) but where i lacked in math......in 3rd grade i was doing 9th grade reading...my teachers couldnt understand that such a kid that was stupid in math could read so high....now im in seventh and beyond college reading...ANYWAY back to the origanal point here (sheeheesh) kids have differant progress levals.one kid who couldnt comprehend just what RB writes and is FORCED to read it,do a book report..hes being forced to do a report on something that he cant even understand.....and might even hate RB's books just because he was forced to do a lenghty report on them....but if the teacher could post a summer reading list of recommended books,later on he might remember an RB title,find it,read it,and love it......i dunno.....but i know what its like to have to go somewhere where you have to do the same thing as everyone else,even if your disabled in some areas.still,,,,,thats waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off the point...
* *Rain Walker * * *<br /> * * * * * * *
| Posts: 22 | Location: Grand Haven USA | Registered: 15 December 2001 |  