Having sold my 'video games' computer a few months ago, I now have more leisure time for reading. I'm therefore looking forward to reading many of the Ray Bradbury books listed on this forum.
I havent read many of Ray's books; but the ones that stand out the most are Dandelion Wine, which I read in the late seventies, and The Illustrated Man. (Once read, never quite forgotten
Best wishes and happy reading,
Tinfish UK
PS: Any suggestions for a book containing some of Ray Bradbury's most weird and interesting stories, would be much appreciated.
[This message has been edited by Tinfish (edited 03-05-2002).]
Posts: 6 | Location: uk | Registered: 05 March 2002
The Martian Chronicles would be a great place to start, even if you have already read it. This might fan the flames and you will then be well on your way...
I went online to my local libary today and discovered that they have 'The Stories Of Ray Bradbury' and 'October Country'. I'm looking forward to some quality reading time over the next few weeks
Thanks again,
Posts: 6 | Location: uk | Registered: 05 March 2002
Originally posted by uncle: I read "Have I Got A Chocolate Bar For You" today, and found it wonderful. It is in The Stories Of Ray Bradbury. That collection is worth finding!
Uncle, I have read several times here that The Stories of Ray Bradbury is one of your favourites so I ordered a used copy. I used to check out that very collection at the library often. It's a huge anthology so I'm excited to soon add it to my mainly paperback collection(used and highlighted, by choice). Thanks.