| The Exiles, no doubt...could you imagine, all your favourite authors and their characters alive on some far-off planet? Oh, and the Fox and the Forest; running away from a disastrous, war filled time period just to be dragged back! The whole book is amazing, its impossible to pick a fav. Btw, I saw that an eleven year old was writing on here...WOW, that is great. Keep it up! I wish I could get my little brother to read some Bradbury, all he does is watch tv and play N64...so good for you!
-Shawna says remember me then a little I pray, the idle singer of an empty day...
| Posts: 7 | Location: canada | Registered: 16 May 2003 |  
| Why hasn't anyone said anything about "the Visitor' yet!? I, personally, thought that was a great story. Focusing on (As William Golding did in 'Lord of the Flies') man's inherent corruption and also our instinctual struggle toward pleasure. Basically, it proves the long-lived quote that 'you don't know what you've got till it's gone'. Talk about a moral of the story. Oh, heh, by the way, I'm new here. A 14 yr. old student in CO. Hello all.
"Man cannot survive except through his mind. He comes on earth unarmed. His brain is his only weapon." <br />-Howard Roark
| Posts: 2 | Location: lakewood, co, usa | Registered: 23 May 2003 |  
| Basically I read this back in the day when i was 10, we just did it in school (I'm a 15 year old Freshman in WI), it was great. Everytime I read it, it gets more amazing. Every story was great, but I really liked "The Long Rain" "The Veldt" and "The Exiles."
| Posts: 3 | Location: Madison, WI, USA | Registered: 03 June 2003 |  
| Coma-man,
Several of Ray's short stories have been adapted to film. I used to work in an AV Library and made sure that we got several of them. Yes the Veldt has been done. The info I have shows that it was done in 1981, directed by Dianne Haak, is a Bernard Wilets production and released through Barr Films of Pasadena, CA. Check to see if your local library can get it through interlibrary loan. Our copy was on 16mm film but I bet that a VHS version was available also.
Among the other Bradbury films we had were The Flying Machine and Quest (based on Frost and Fire) |
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| Marionettes Inc. was done also. We watched The Veldt in class, while I took it upon my own power to watch Marionettes.
| Posts: 3 | Location: Madison, WI, USA | Registered: 03 June 2003 |  
| My all time favorite story is the long rain. Although i love all of the other stories, this one seems to stay with me the most. I really enjoyed the story of the men that are kept in the rain, and the psychological effects they suffer from. Also, the ending was what really got to me. When he finds the sun dome and the rest of his team is dead, it is very sad yet somewhat ironic. |
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| THX for the "Veldt" info... never thought that they did one... As for the endings... what do you think? Is it madness? The rain finally won?
________________<br />When you were young, did children kill each other back then?
| Posts: 21 | Location: Berlin, Germany | Registered: 09 April 2003 |  
| Man, that's jsut too hard to chose just one as a favorite. Maybe "The Veldt", "Zero Hour", or "The Long Rain." I heard about "The Veldt" back in etiher 6th or 8th grade, and I found it in The Illustrated Man and read through the whole book. I don't know if its just me, but "The Long Rain", can that be interpreted differently? Can't that be symbolic, or something like that..? I love these stories because they're so creepy. ^_^ |
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| Some significant comments on effects of RB tales on imagination in the above posts (back in 2003). There have been many reports of individuals coming out of virtual reality arcade booths who have needed hours of re-adjustment to reality (if you will) because of the neurological alterations that occur viewing the high-tech images and stimuli. Mr. Bradbury told us of this back in 1951 with The Illustrated Man classic (with those wonder children Wendy and Peter) in "The Veldt!" Now this: http://www.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBI...vie.blues/index.html |
| Posts: 2831 | Location: Basement of a NNY Library | Registered: 07 April 2005 |  