| I like the whole atmosphere of the book. I can't explain it, but it just feels gritty and greasy somehow... It's as if the book itself smells like ashes. Of course Montag's character has always smelled like gasoline to me, just because I've never smelled kersosene (that I recall...). I never associated a smell with Clarisse, Beatty, or Faber, though. Did I just weird everyone out? I don't really understand it myself, heh. Just an overactive imagination, I guess.
"Go ahead now, you second-hand litterateure, pull the trigger!"
| Posts: 7 | Location: Dresden, NY, USA | Registered: 28 October 2004 |  
| All due respects, Dandy, "....fresh apricots and strawberries!"
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| Actually, now that I think about it, Faber always smelled like my grandfather... Lol, you know, that old man smell? I can't really describe it. I always imagined Beatty as a big sweaty guy, so he'd probably smell like sweat AND gasoline (gross). Clarisse never smelled like anything, I just kind of imagined her as being cool to the touch, like porcelain, even though she seemed to be the most alive out of the whole bunch. It seemed like in a place where the whole world seemed to be on fire, she was the relief. A cool breeze blowing through an overheated room...
"Go ahead now, you second-hand litterateure, pull the trigger!"
| Posts: 7 | Location: Dresden, NY, USA | Registered: 28 October 2004 |  
| I love Fahrenhiet 451! A few years ago, I was in a theatre company that did a re-make of 451...as a musical. It was amazing. One of my favourite plays ever. Did anyone hear about it?
Everyone Must Leave Something Behind When They Die...
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| It would seem that a musical of F451 would play much like Victor Hugo's Les Miserables? Intense, driving, and leaving you drained as you departed the theater. Was that the case, Musicated? [This message has been edited by fjpalumbo (edited 11-04-2004).]
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| I loved this book so much, in fact i just finished reading it today and was so inspired by it that I had to come to his website right away. When I heard people saying they thought it was boring i was like 'What, how could you??' But i think this book is a book that you either love or hate. In my case i loved it. I think part of the reason I loved it so much was because i feel so passionatly about books and i read non-stop (if you wanna know, my username was going to be bookworm but it was already taken!). Anyway i definatly recommend this book and DONT SKIP ANY PAGES!!! Every page is meaningful and has brilliant metaphors. He creates such vivd images you feel like you are standing right next to Montag and he makes you feel so comapssionatly for his characters that i almost cried when i found out that Clarisse had died and i wanted to rip up the book and yell 'How could Mildred forget to tell himt hat someone had died!!!' It is such a different society from ours but the scary part is i can see our society being exactly like that in a few hundred years, its so weird! Anyway I just want to say that i love this book so much and if Ray ever reads these I just want to say to him Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!!!! I cant wait to read another one of his books. If anybody is interested i am 13 and I was jsut wondering what the average age is around here. Bye!!! |
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| well i think the book is actually good. coughcoughmyteacherisreadingthisrightnowwellprettysoonhineir!coughcough the ending was actually surprising for me. i didnt expect that the city would be bombed. yea... yea...
| Posts: 19 | Location: wausau, WI | Registered: 18 November 2004 |  