The boards here let me register using my Web TV all right, although they wouldn't let me capitalize my username, despite the fact that other people have capital letters in their usernames. I then added a number of posts. The board updated correctly, as far as time and number of posts, BUT I could still not view my posts! So I went to a "real" computer, thinking it must be a "Web TV Problem," and logged in. Sure enough, there were all my posts, and I added two others. I opened and closed each thread hoping that might fix the problem. When I got home...NOT ONLY could I not see the posts I had made on my Web TV, I could ALSO not see the two I made on the "real" computer...although I could still read everyone else's posts!!! Obviously NOT a "Web TV Problem"! Here I am at another "real" computer and this time couldn't even find a "login" button. Had to settle for "editing" my profile to log in--although it still won't let me capitalize my username! (It says I'm a junior member. Since the board has been around only two months--how long till I'm a "senior member" and get to have a capitalized name?) What's more, I fixed things on my Web TV to stay logged in, and I can't find a "logout" button anywhere. Even if I could, why should I have to log in/out every time to view new messages, when I am on any number of other boards where I either stay logged in, or don't bother logging in at all, and am able to view everyone's messages, INCLUDING mine, regardless of how I submitted them!? Just want to say...if I can't see MY messages on my machine at home, there's a chance I won't see any replies to them either. So anyone who replies to any of my messages expecting a response, please be patient either until the moderator finds and fixes what's wrong with this board, or until I get to a "real" computer every time to see what's new here!
Posts: 7356 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001
What you describe of not being able to see posts you made while using Web TV sounds very much like a cache problem. To reduce loading times, online content is stored in a cache and when the same page is requested again, that offline content is shown, rather than the real page. I don't know if Web TV has a function like this, but try refreshing or reloading the pages. Mayeb you could even clean the cache.
Alternatively, it could also be caused by a badly configured proxy server. A server from your ISP that stores recently requested pages so that the content doesn't have to come from halfway around the world but from close to where you're surfing (and thus is faster). But again, when the real pages change (as happens when you've submitted a reply), this doesn't show up since the pages on the proxy-server don't show it.
Since this UBB version still uses people's username as the primary key to identify a member with, of course you can't change your name. (That you originally couldn't choose capitals is strange though.)
Member titles are based on postcount (a bad idea, since it invites spamming for 'better' titles) - default setting make you a member (instead of junior member) at 31 posts.
Posts: 8 | Location: Netherlands | Registered: 03 October 2001
It also seems to me that the amount of time which passes before a post shows up depends on the size of the post. A shorter post posted later shows up sooner than a longer post posted earlier. Sometimes it's a matter of minutes before it appears onscreen and sometimes it takes days.
Posts: 7356 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001