| Guy and Clarisse�s relationship is hard to understand. However, I would say they were good friends. Clarisse is curious about Guy�s field of work. She asked him many questions, walked him and talked to him everyday he had work, and made little leaf things for him. Guy thought about her too. Despite Clarisse�s age, I thought Guy and her would marry by the end of the book after Guy divorced Mildred. Anyways, the times Guy talked about Clarisse to Mildred she would give attitude. I remember after Clarisse died Guy mentioned something about her and Mildred said something like �Can we talk about something not dead?� I do not think it did any good for Guy to talk about her. Mildred wants everyone to talk about her. She only cares for herself and no one else, not even Guy really, it seems. |
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| The relationship between Montag and Clarisse is very brief, but probably the most powerful in the course of the novel. In the few pages that Clarisse talks with Montag, her innocent curiosity and search for beauty affects Montag so greatly that the rest of the novel follows his search for the beauty and happiness that only Clarisse could find. Mildred, however, is not affected much by her husband�s actions. She is only turned away by his decisions because they threaten her fantasy. Because she has been so hollowed out by her attachment to the �parlor families�, their lives have consumed hers, leaving her devoid of any genuine emotion. Her only words for Montag as she walks out on him are �Fool, Montag, fool, fool, oh God you silly fool�� (p.101). It is implied that she feels sorry for him that his actions have destroyed his fantasy. Though Montag�s first reaction to Clarisse is �you think too many things� (p.9), he devotes his life to planting the seeds she left behind. Mildred, though married to the man ten years, has no way of comprehending him now without facing her own reality, so she leaves |
| Posts: 3 | Location: Lemont, IL 60439 | Registered: 30 August 2004 |  
| I think that the relationship between Montag and Clarisse was not a very long one but a important one. There wasn't too much that would go on in the conversations that they had, it would always be a one-sided, Clarisse would always be the one with the ideas, she would always be the one who would remember things that her uncle told her. The real important thing though was like she could see right through Montag and know his feelings. Now I'm not really sure that it affected his relationship with Mildred because they didn't have too much of a relationship. For example, "Mildred" (montag) "What?" (mildred) "I didn't mean to startle you. What I want to know is..." "Well" "When did we meet? And Where?. And that conversation goes on for a wile and in the end neither on them knows where they met and they had been married for ten year. And if that is the case then the relationship isn't a very strong one. So in a sence the relationship that Montag had with Clarisse couldn't really weaken the relationship Montag had with his wife because it was pretty weak as it is. |
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| Montag and Clarisse, have a really close relationship as friends. He confindes in her with his problems. He was shocked when she told him that he wasnet in love. I think at this point he started to become more open with her and talk to her. Montag respects that Clarisses is so open with what she does. Also that she is so curious about the world around her unlike everyone eles who is afraid to know the truth about their life. Mildred does not know much about his realtionship between clarisse and montag. This suprises me because she would in life now be more curious than she was in the story. Plus, Montag and his wife never really ever talk about eachotheres life. |
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| I agree that the relationship between Montag and Clarisse was very brief. I also think that their relationship was the key to this book. It was so powerful, and so short. As soon as Clarisse showed Montag what it was like to wonder, and asked him the important question, "Are you happy," the novel really lifted from there. From that moment on Montag himself felt wonder and curiosity towards his life and the world. Clarisse made such an impact on Montag with only the few encounters she had with him. I strongly believe that the relationship they had was vital for this book. |
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| The relationship between Montag and Clarisse is very powerful, eye opening, and affects the whole ending of the story. The facts that it is powerful becuase Montag is totally changed by this event. Montag starts to change his personality. He starts questioning everything, for example his new interest in books and how much the lady who got burnt with her books affected Guy. Secondly, The relationship opens Montag's eyes to the world around him. He looks up at the moon, he feels how the rain feels falling into his mouth. Guy finally starts to question and not beilive and those are the first signs of him changing. Lastly, the whole story was based upon Clarisse changing Guy's life for the better. She teaches him how once firemen used to put out fires and how the government hides evreything. Clarisse was the motivator for Guy she got him over the fence and made him reailze that everything isn't what it seems. I personally, don't think MIldred is very affected by their relationship. This seemed to me becuase when Clarisse got hit by the car, Mildred forgot about it, she didn't care about it. |
| Posts: 5 | Location: lemont, IL. United States | Registered: 25 August 2004 |  
| Montag and Mildred�s relationship is the exact opposite of what a relationship should be. People are suppose to love each other and be close. Montag and Mildred were very distant from one another and they really did not know anything about one another. Alls Mildred wanted to do was watch television and never had close conversations with her husband. A relationship is suppose to be based on good communication skills and they sure don�t have any. There was no hope for there relationship. It�s so weird how two people could live together, be married, and be so different. In this book it seems like there isn�t a such thing as love between people in this place and it seems like everyone is cold hearted and lame. |
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| Although Montag and Clarisse didn't really know each other, I think that this was one of Montag's strongest and most important of his relationships. When Clarisse asked Montag "Are you happy?" it really just triggered everything. Montag started thinking about his relationship with Mildred. He knew that he really wasn't happy and that he would be able to get a long fine without Mildred by his side. The more he talked to Clarisse the more sense she made and Montag really felt as if his life was going the wrong way and he needed to turn it around. He did just that even though it meant losing Mildred. So, Clarisse did have a very big affect on Motag and Mildred's relationship, I think an affect that made it better for Montag. |
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| I think that Clarisse and Montag's relationship is similar to some guy/girl relationships that happen nowadays. There just good friends that like the same things, and enjoy spending time with eachother. Clarisse is someone who likes questioning the world and Montag seems to enjoy discovering what the world is hiding. I think that Montag and Clarisse's relationship is good for each of them because Montag has someone he can turn to when he needs someone to listen. Clarisse also seems like she grew up differently then other members in society and she's looking for someone that she can confront with her thoughts and emotions. I think it had a huge impact on Mildred and Montag's marriage because Clarisse's questioning made Montag view the world through a different prespective. He finally opened his eyes and realized that this wasn't how life was supposed to be. |
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| For the most part, I think that the relationship between Montag and Clarisse is an interesting one. I really think in a lot of ways Clarisse changes Montag in a way that no one could imagine. In the beginning, when they first met, Montag thinks of Clarisse as an odd young girl. On his way home one night, she meets up with Montag and starts having a conversation with him, but more like asking him strange questions. Then the questions she asks starts to open his eyes to newer and better things in the world, and he begins to see her as a very intelligent girl, even though he doesn�t admit it at first. So they basically become kind of friends, and he relies on her meeting him on his way home to talk with her on different topics, and when he comes home one day and she�s not there. He starts to feel like he lost a piece of himself. After he finds out she dies, he feels like he had lost someone very close to him, closer than his wife.
| Posts: 3 | Location: Lemont, IL 60439 | Registered: 25 August 2004 |  