Greetings to all you fellow R.B. enthusiasts, I'm new to the site. I just want to say that I have always loved reading Ray Bradbury's stories since fourth grade where I would hide my book down under my desk and secretly read during class. I am now 43 married with three kids. Over the years I started to collect different R.B. softbacks and I have many copies of the same book. Recently I started reading his books voraciously once again and getting some new ones also that I had not read before. Also, I read Weller's excellent bio. I did a little research and decided to try and write R.B., something I have thought about many times and regretfully never did before. I wrote a nice letter telling him how much I loved and appreciated his works, then I put three of my older but treasured books(Martian Chronicles, Fahrenheit 451, Dandelion Wine) in with a self addressed stamped envelope and asked him to please sign them for me, and I said if he was in the mood, would he draw one of his awesome monster cartoons. Well, my wife and kids thought I was nuts to send my books off like that! I just figured I have more so what the hey, maybe I'm sending them off to the world and will never see them again(likely)or maybe not. I mailed it all off on Jan. 3rd. of this year, the Post Office was closed on the 2nd or I would have mailed it then. I was close to a relapse (five years clean and sober) on the 24th., it was just a horrid day at work and things haven't been the best financially after x-mas. Anyway, I walk in the door and my wife Susan says, "I think your package came back"! I picked it up and tears of joy welled into my eyes, there it was on the face of my envelope a Ray monster cartoon!!! The monster looks scared like all monsters secretly are. I carefully opened it up and there was all three books signed by Ray, plus he put a signed bookmark in with it! This is what he wrote in Martian Chronicles, "Greg! Onward to Mars!" In Fahrenheit 451 He wrote, "Greg! Onward! In Dandelion Wine he wrote, "Greg and kids, love Ray Bradbury", he put that same thing on bookmark. I was blown away and astounded! I didn't even think about going out drinking or whatever that night, instead I went outside and just stared at the stars. Ray inspires me so much! I know why I love his stories so much. Its because they are profoundly happy and at the same time profoundly sad, but not in a morose way. Its just like some of the older Christmas songs make me feel sad and happy at the same time. If I could summarize Ray and his stories with just a word, it would be "savor" or possibly "relish". What he has given me in so many ways is hard to put into words though. After receiving the package, I debated on writing a thank you. I finally decided to thank him, I put in a little gift for him as well. I gave him an 1864 two cent piece reputed to be magic from some circus folk. I hope he received it and continues to do well and astound us all by showing us all how to really live forever.This message has been edited. Last edited by: rocket,
She stood silently looking out into the great sallow distances of sea bottom, as if recalling something, her yellow eyes soft and moist...
Posts: 1397 | Location: Louisville, KY | Registered: 08 February 2006
Col, What a wonderful, heart-warming story! Makes me want to write to him too, just to say thanks and God bless, though I did do that in person, albeit about 30 years ago. You'll enjoy this site. You're among friends here: thinking, feeling folks who love the man...
Posts: 3169 | Location: Box in Braling I's cellar | Registered: 02 July 2004
What a great story, Col. Freeleigh!! I'm so glad Ray could help you get through that rough patch. Just reading his books always makes me feel better again, so I can imagine how great it felt to hear from him personally. Your return gift to him was really cool, too. Welcome to the board, and congratulations on being clean and sober for all that time.
Again, where's one to find that contemporary writer dishing-out such amazing reactions to their works? Go ahead all you best selling authors who say you have something grandeous to offer. All nonsense. Who is out looking at stars in awe because they get a letter from the author of The Da Vinci Code? Or any number of mystery writers or galloping fiction dramatists for that matter who hold the readers's interest for mere moments. No one!
Ray Bradbury's gift is no accident in the history of authorships. It all borders on the miraculous.
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002
Col., um, Robot Lincoln, You know, you really did do something wonderful for Ray. You gave him one more person to be kind to.—Best
Note: This posting under continuouse revision as long as names are changed to protect the inocent.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Chapter 31,
Posts: 861 | Location: Manchester CT | Registered: 13 August 2005
Thanks Braling II, I take particular pleasure as I'm out the door in the morning thinking about what Ray says about optimum behavior and funtioning at the top of your genes. It gets me through the day, week, year...
Originally posted by Braling II: Col, What a wonderful, heart-warming story! Makes me want to write to him too, just to say thanks and God bless, though I did do that in person, albeit about 30 years ago. You'll enjoy this site. You're among friends here: thinking, feeling folks who love the man...
She stood silently looking out into the great sallow distances of sea bottom, as if recalling something, her yellow eyes soft and moist...
Posts: 1397 | Location: Louisville, KY | Registered: 08 February 2006
Thanks Imskipper, I haven't looked back yet. ONWARD!!! It was a rush that far surpassed any narcotic to receive that. I'm smilin in my sleep!
Originally posted by lmskipper: What a great story, Col. Freeleigh!! I'm so glad Ray could help you get through that rough patch. Just reading his books always makes me feel better again, so I can imagine how great it felt to hear from him personally. Your return gift to him was really cool, too. Welcome to the board, and congratulations on being clean and sober for all that time.
She stood silently looking out into the great sallow distances of sea bottom, as if recalling something, her yellow eyes soft and moist...
Posts: 1397 | Location: Louisville, KY | Registered: 08 February 2006
Well put Nard Kordell, the mans all heart! He has the exuberance of life that some twenty year olds I know do not possess.
Originally posted by Nard Kordell: Again, where's one to find that contemporary writer dishing-out such amazing reactions to their works? Go ahead all you best selling authors who say you have something grandeous to offer. All nonsense. Who is out looking at stars in awe because they get a letter from the author of The Da Vinci Code? Or any number of mystery writers or galloping fiction dramatists for that matter who hold the readers's interest for mere moments. No one!
Ray Bradbury's gift is no accident in the history of authorships. It all borders on the miraculous.
She stood silently looking out into the great sallow distances of sea bottom, as if recalling something, her yellow eyes soft and moist...
Posts: 1397 | Location: Louisville, KY | Registered: 08 February 2006
Thanks alot Chapter31, you people are just gold, pure gold! What a great welcome!
Originally posted by Chapter 31: Col. Freeleigh, You know, you really did do something wonderful for Ray. You gave him one more person to be kind to.—Best
She stood silently looking out into the great sallow distances of sea bottom, as if recalling something, her yellow eyes soft and moist...
Posts: 1397 | Location: Louisville, KY | Registered: 08 February 2006
Very moving story, Col. Freeleigh. Ray Bradbury is one of the youngest people in the cosmos. He is also one of the kindest, with a most generous spirit. He loves to hear from people whose lives he has touched, and he would probably tear up a bit with joy to know how he has blessed you.
Keep on moving up the road of life, and keep on reaching for the stars!
Posts: 52 | Location: LA,CA | Registered: 07 November 2005
Had a great phone conversation last night with Biplane. It would never had taken place if not for Mr. Bradbury and this site. Over the years I have received materials, posters, books, ... you name it, from people all over the country. Why? Because of our shared interest and love of a writer who has given us so much: summer with the kids in the neighborhood; characters that raise the hair on the back of our neck; scenes that bring tears to our eyes -from sadness and joy; walks in the sunsets of Mars, beneath the torrents of Venus, and along the streets of LA & Mexico; dreams of places too far away to ever see in our lives, but real enough as pages turn in our hands! And more, of course. Especially, the fireman who overcomes the evil of never opening up a book to realize what awaited within.
So, Col. F, welcome aboard, indeed. If your stay is reflected in your name choice, we may have much to talk about as we sit around and exchange in the posts to come.
Your initial remarks sound quite familiar. Whenever we receive something from Mr. B, it is opened only when the family (w/ 2 young boys & already RB fans) is together and around the table. What a treat.
You've said it well!
Posts: 2831 | Location: Basement of a NNY Library | Registered: 07 April 2005
I noticed the other ColFreeleigh the other night after I had already chose this also as my screen name, I am trying to figure out how to change my name as he chose his first. I don't want to steal anyones "thunder".
She stood silently looking out into the great sallow distances of sea bottom, as if recalling something, her yellow eyes soft and moist...
Posts: 1397 | Location: Louisville, KY | Registered: 08 February 2006