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Maybe Jesus did say that. Then again (in the words of Kirsty McColl), there's a guy works down the chip shop swears he's Elvis. It doesn't make it true. Damn, I'm reading that religious thread again. - Phil Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod | ||||
"Sin was originally a god, the moon, there are other references." I have no idea what this means. Scripture defines sin as transgression of the law, and seems to identify sin with an absence of God in one's life/being. When was sin a god, and what does that statement mean? | ||||
This is all nonsense because the biblical term of sin is from the Greek (hamartia), referring to the sport of archery. Not about some mythical god named sin. Sin was a term when you missed the target, the bulls-eye. On this one, Patrask has committed a 'sin'. He has missed the definition of the word 'sin' as used in Greek referring to archery, and as used in the Bible. | ||||
Costello? "Live Forever!" | ||||
Patrask everything against God's law is a sin no matter who you are. For everyone falls short of the glory of God and everyone has sinned. The penalty of sin is death not just physical death, but spiritual death as well. This is why we needed Jesus to die on the cross to take the penalty of our sin. | ||||
Oh no - not the Atonement Theology again! Atonement theology involves far more than a salvation doctrine. It brings into question the theistic understanding of God and even the morality of God. This theology assumes that God is an external Being who invades the world to heal the fallen creation. It also assumes that this God enters this fallen world in the person of the Son to pay the price of human evil on the cross. It was the central theme in Mel Gibson's motion picture The Passion of the Christ which might have been dramatically compelling but it represented a barbaric, sado-masochistic, badly dated and terribly distorted biblical and theological perspective. All atonement theories root in a sense of human alienation and with it a sense of human powerlessness. "Without Thee we can do nothing good!" So we develop legends about the God who does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. For Christianity, I am convinced that our basic atonement theology finds its taproot not in the story of the cross but in the liturgy of the synagogue, especially Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. In the Yom Kippur liturgy an innocent lamb was slain and the people were symbolically cleansed by the saving blood of this sacrificed Lamb of God. Jesus was similarly portrayed as the new Lamb of God. As we Christians tell the story of Jesus' dying for our sins in doctrine, hymns and liturgy, we quite unknowingly turn God into an ogre, a deity who practices child sacrifice and a guilt-producing figure, who tells us that our sinfulness is the cause of the death of Jesus. God did it to him instead of to us who deserved it. Somehow that is supposed to make it both antiseptic and worthwhile. It doesn't. I think we can and must break the power of these images. Consciousness is rising on this issue all over the Church, and as it does, Christianity will either change or die. There is no alternative. I vote for change. "Live Forever!" | ||||
More nonsense from the King of Nonsense, Doug Spaulding! Christ said his church would last forever and the gates of hell would not be victorious against it. Permeated in all things is the character of Christ and He holds all things together by the very nature of who He is. Just what do you think you are going to change, Spaulding? Replace Christ with Doug Spaulding? | ||||
Doug I respect your opinion and don't mean to offend you, but your wrong. Jesus IS real he completed over 100 prophecies about Christ proclaimed by prophets of God. The first book New Testament was put together 25 years after Jesus had died and rose again. Furthermore animals were sacrificed to God as atonement for sin, but JESUS was the ultimate sacrifice who cleansed ALL SIN IF WE ASKED FOR FORGIVENESS AND BELIEVED IN HIM. As for God being an ogre for sacrificing his child he had to give us a sacrifice pure and holy. Jesus had his choice to go to the cross or not, but because of his love he didn't back out. | ||||
Thank you Mr Faith for your respectful response, and welcome to this board. My old friend Mr Knox: Phil, Phil, Phil... (Phil called me a King! But only Yeshua Christos is a King - I am his humble servant.) "Live Forever!" | ||||
Doug, I also want to if you are a Christian. You write like you think you are, but like our president Obama he thinks he is a Christian. In order to be a Christian you have to first ask God to forgive you and believe that Jesus died for your sins. Both of you say your a Christian and act like a hypocrite. | ||||
Doug I have read Yeshua's website and he proclaims Jesus is the Lord. Although he is wrong about communion healing people and here is why. Communion or the lord's supper is merely an act of remembering Christ and honoring him. Communion won't or ever will cleanse our bodies. Like how we receive Christ by praying, we ask for forgiveness. | ||||
Barack is Church of Christ, if I am not mistaken. They fall into the "Christian fold", I believe. "Live Forever!" | ||||
Our Lord has a website!? I don't know to whom you refer, but I refer to the one who lived a couple thousand years ago, Yeshua the Christ, not somebody today using the name. "Live Forever!" | ||||
The Arabic name for Jesus used by Christians, Yasū‘, derives fromYeshua as the original name for Jesus.The claim that the form Yeshua is the original name for the religious figure otherwise known as Jesus in western Christianity Yeshua. (quoted from wiki) is this what you mean? | ||||
Yes Obama says he is a Christian, but his actions say differently. He is the one of the most pro-abortion politic and abortion is murder. Like pro-gay Christians (and no being gay isn't a sin, but the lifestyle is) being nice only goes to a certain point. If it goes against God's law then it is a sin end of story. | ||||
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