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Have you read Sitcin's books? Please do so and then comment again. Astronomers are still looking for a cause for the disturbance in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, that was thought to be the planet Pluto, but due to its mass, it cannot explain all the errors that are known to remain. All who venture to contradict the establishemnt scholarship are thought to be fools, until they are finally recognized as genius. Sitchin has made many announcements about the conditions of the outer planets that have been confirmed by the space craft fly bys after his statements were published. The predictions were thought to be science fiction then too. | ||||
Hear ye! hear ye! (Now I need a cane or something to bang on the floor). Thanks, Braling II! | ||||
I have read the Lost Book of Enki because it always receives such a hype. I've also spoken to many "believers" read a couple of his other tablet translations, and evaluated his claims. Did you know that "Nibiru" doesn't appear in any Sumerian document, and only appears in Babylonian and perhaps a few Akkadian documents? Did you know that we have evidence showing the evolution of Sumerian pictographs, proving that they did not spontaneously appear fully-formed? Did you know that Sitchin mistranslated every instance of the word "tin" as the word "gold"? Did you know that he confuses Sumerian and Babylonian sources quite often? Did you know that the Sumerians did not have knowledge of more than 5 planets? Did you know that the Sumerians believed in a flat earth? Did you know that only seven of the Sumerian gods were called "Anunnaki" and they all lived underground? Examine the modern translations: http://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/ I Think it's time for a new topic, this could go on forever. Email: ordinis@gmail.com | ||||
I'm terribly sorry to hear that, Nard. Email: ordinis@gmail.com | ||||
It is endless meaningless ramblings. Heresy was prevalent even in the time of the Apostles and Paul continually warned the others to watch out for those who would bend the word of God. Nothing new for 2,000 years. | ||||
The Lost Book of Enki is a NOVEL, composed by Sitchin to fill in gaps, it is not what I would consider a good book to begin reading from Sitchin's works. Please, wipe the slate clean of any pre-judgements and read either The Twelfth Planet, or, Genesis Revisited, which updates what was originally written in the Twelfth Planet from 1976. Sitchin is sometimes thrown together with Danken as a Sci-Fi guy. I have attended one of his seminars. I felt that I was sitting with a true Rabbi and one who would only comment on his works, was not sensational and very under control. something that a scholar who has done real research would be. Make up your own mind, but Please, start with the orignal books and work from there. End of topic. | ||||
All I ask is that you compare the modern Sumerian translations with older translations. End of topic agreed. Email: ordinis@gmail.com | ||||
"You have taught me to worship a god who is like you, who shares your thinking exactly, who is going to slap me one if I don't straighten out fast. I am very uneasy every Sunday, which is cloudy and deathly still and filled with silent accusing whispers." - Garrison Keillor "Live Forever!" | ||||
What's your opinion on Christian icons like the Byzantine icons? Email: ordinis@gmail.com | ||||
Who me? Great art! "Live Forever!" | ||||
IBID | ||||
You bid on what? "Live Forever!" | ||||
Discriminate: 1. to make a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit; show partiality; 2. to note or observe a difference; distinguish accurately: to discriminate between things. –verb (used with object) 3. to make or constitute a distinction in or between; differentiate: a mark that discriminates the original from the copy. 4. to note or distinguish as different: He can discriminate minute variations in tone. –adjective 5. marked by discrimination; making or evidencing nice distinctions: discriminate people; discriminate judgments. Origin: 1620–30; < L discrīminātus separated, ptp. of discrīmināre Today we celebrate the achievement of one group of people that have overcome their long struggle to reach acceptance as Americans with all the rights and privileges afforded thereto. We now have to continue to fight for another group of people who the majority still consider fearful and want them to remain set apart from the CIVIL liberties enjoyed by American citizens. For now GAY is the new "N" word. We have shown that through education, understanding can lead to empathy, and finally to mutual acceptance of our differences. Now we Americans must work to achieve the benefits of equal recognition for all of our citizens without regard to sex, color, religion, political persuasion, dis-abilities. We are almost there. I feel good that we will convince the remaining few that they have nothing to fear and they will learn to understand, rather than discriminate, with hateful indifference.This message has been edited. Last edited by: patrask, | ||||
Patrask, What you want is a godless society. That'll fill your bill? Society already accommodates fornicators and adulterers. I was both at one time and society didn't seem to care one bit. Keep up the good work and accepting and not denouncing and the next generation will bury you with their permissive society. And that'll be the start of the leaping board to the most degrading of all human motives and lifestyles. Just take a look at the porn on the net to see a world going mad. The old Catholic Legion of Decency would be a laugh nowadays. Even the Catholic Church began a collapse from the inside because some men who thought best to press their sinful desires into the glove of Catholicism and thus exfoliate their shame and sin thru the ritual of being good found out that being good wasn't achieved thru human will power. But what tragedy they wove in the process. Many are bent on trying to learn but never learning. Trying to discover but never discovering. Try to search for truth but never finding truth. And so they welcome everything into the arms of acceptance and are eventually spiritually cremated. | ||||
I do not want a godless society. I want those who have a belief in their God to worship as they see fit in the houses of their worship. Please leave me to worship as I see fit. You do not have all the answers. Pray for me, if you will, and I will do the same for you. I pray that you come to grips with the fact that one person's religion is another person's discrimination. Within the free American society you have the right to discriminate within your Church or other religious grouping, as to who may join and how they are to be treated. In the CIVIL world of laws, we are to be treated as equals, and one belief system cannot trump over another. The lines are drawn as the separation of Church and State. What could be more beneficial to all? No one has passed a law to prevent you from believing what you do. Let the others, who do not share your beliefs, have that same right. They are, after all, seeking only the love of another human being. How can you be so against two people that want to commit their love to a legal CIVIL joining of lives, and only ask that they not be discriminated against. Separate is NOT Equal. The civil rights fight taught us that leasson. If you must fight, fight for love, not hate. | ||||
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