After having read both Fahrenheit 451 and The Pedestrian, I personally,enjoyed The Pedestrian more than Fahrenheit 451.I often felt lost while reading Fahrenheit 451,I never really understood what was happening,and I often found the book to be quite boring at times.I did like one certain part of Fahrenheit 451 though,I found it interesting how a lot of the technology talked about in Fahrenheit 451,is around today.While reading The Pedestrian though,I was interested in reading it the whole time.I was not bored at all with it,and I thought it was a very good story. I agree with the theme of The Pedestrian,that technology will continue to isolate society in the future,for I feel technology already isolates us as it is.
I would like to know which you liked better Fahrenheit 451 or The Pedestrian?
I love Fahrenheit but I am going to have to go with the Pedestrians also. But either way Ray Bradbury is the best. Whatever he writes is a really book but with the Pedestrians its like I never wanted to put it down. But with Fahrenheit 451 there was only certain parts that i could not put it down. The Pedestrians is clearly the better book because if you love books as much as I do you would hate to see them be illegal and get burned so The Pedestrians!
Dandelion's prodigy I have a question for you what is your favorite part of the Pedestrain? Also limegreen I think that the Pedestrian is better I liked the way he described the setting. F451 just did not capture my attention it bored me and I thought it would be so much better than it was. I personally do not prefer Ray but if you want a good book you should read Nicholas Sparks books a couple other students in our class have read them. He writes the best romance novels.
I liked Fahrenheit 451 better. I can see how it would bore you. I had to reread a lot of things in the book that happened, and at first I didn't like it all. I feel that Fahrenheit 451 has more to offer but that could be because The Pedestrian was just a short story. I didn't really understand what Ray's purpose in writing The Pedestrian was. I understand that it shows how technology will isolate us in the future, but I got the same idea from Fahrenheit 451.
Rose237 that is a good point I did think that both books had a similar meaning. I did finally understand F451 after reading it over it didn't really bore me as it just didn't excite me. It was a book I wouldn't mind reading, but it definitely wasn't one of my favorites. It was alot better than Animal Farm and Johnny Tremain. I think that Ray should have made his books more age friendly that way all ages could enjoy them.
DW1109 I have a question for you what kind of books do you prefer? I do have to agree that the pedestrians does use more details in the setting and makes it easier to visualize, but F451 is a longer book and if he used as much detail I think people would have got overwhelmed with it all. It was hard to concentrate and I found it easier to understand after going over it with the teacher and using the study guides.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Sunshine64,
Although both books were really good, I would have to choose "The Pedestrian". F451 was good but I feel that Ray didn't give very good details about the characters, plot, or setting. He did give some good details but I think he could have gave a bit more. "The Pedestrian" didn't give good details about the character or plot but the imagery details were excellent. I could clearly visualize his walk. Details aren't the only thing in the book thats important. Both stories gave a good lesson about do what you feel is right now what everyone else says is right. So when it comes down to which I like better it is "the Pedestrian" only because the details were so much betterThis message has been edited. Last edited by: DW1109,
Posts: 6 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: 25 January 2012
I agree with Sunshine. The Pedestrian gave a lot more detail than Fahrenheit 451. A lot of people found Fahrenheit 451 to be confusing. I think that adding more details to Fahrenheit 451 could help to clarify its meaning to the readers who are confused; however it could also increase their confusion. I guess it depends what is added and how the readers interpret the content. I feel that if you don't understand something, you can't fully appreciate it.
Out of the two books, I enjoyed F451 much more than The Pedestrian, purely for the fact that F451 was a story that played more to my ear. In The Pedestrian, almost everyone is so absorbed in technology that they simply cannot keep it out of their lives, by their own choice they spend endless hours watching tv. I simply find that on border-line impossible. In F451, the citizens have no choice to ignore knowledge, between books being censored almost out of exisistence, and people being so obsessed with tv, it becomes more important than life, the people who could become something, are cheated out of it. More importsntly, I see people disregarding knowledge more and more everyday. To pit a change of pace on the subject, Do you think society couldget to a point where it could become like the world of F451 or The Pedestrian?
Sunshine64,I enjoyed how Ray Bradbury described the setting of The Pedestrian as well.I think that is what attracted me to liking The Pedestrian so much,Ray described the setting in a way that was easy to understand.I found Fahrenheit 451 more difficult to understand and I feel it required more thinking. Rose237,I agree with your statement that both Fahrenheit 451 and The Pedestrian had similar meanings.I agree that both stories were about technology isolating us in the future. I can also see where you liked Fahrenheit 451,because it did give more information than The Pedestrian. However,like I said to Sunshine64,I just found The Pedestrian easier to understand.
F-451 most defiantly was better in my opinion. I liked both the main ideas that came out of both books. Although Fahrenheit 451 seemed more exciting to me. It was different i'll admit but it was a good book. I had my own visuals when i read the book and of course like usual the book was better than the movie. I liked the idea of the mechanical hound and could picture it in mind as well as at the end when he walks through the water to the other side to see a whole other world. I found that to be very cool. The pedestrian was too short for me. There just was not enough for me to get more visuals that would be somewhat exciting. Both books were good though overall.
weedeater917 To tell the truth I think that the Pedestrian has a better chance of acctualy happening. Everyday you see people listening to their IPods and playing on their laptops instead of socializing. There for technology is indeed isolating us from each other, but at the same time F451 could also happen because everyday they pass new laws banning us from one thing or another and now they are trying to pass new laws against piracy which might have an effect quite like F451. So they both have a chance of happening I just see the world more like the Pedestrian.
People are obsessed with technology. I can see why you think that technology is isolating us, but in a way it's also bringing us togethter. Technology, such as cell phones and computers, allow us to keep in touch with friends and family members that we don't get to see everyday. It also allows us to meet new people from all over the world. Through technology we are able to communicate our ideas and beliefs on many different things. Without technology this message forum wouldn't even exist and we wouldn't be able to exchange thoughts about Bradbury and his writings. The future is what you make of it. We choose how to use the technology available to us. Whether you use it to isolate yourself from society like the people in F451 and The Pedestrian or you use it to better your life and keep in touch with people is up to you.
Bradbury said technology is a glove and its effects all depend on what sort of hand you put in the glove. I have never been so reminded of that as over these past few days.
Posts: 7351 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001
My personal opinion out of the two book's would have to be the pedestrian, I understood it so much better then F451. The pedestrian, is based on how future technology will be appearing in later years. As I read the book I understood somethings, people only left their home's during the day & stay at home to watch TV at night. The book explain's that in later years crime is to go down so there is only one police car but, the car is robotic! It's interesting that the story pedestrian is actually based on Ray himself. As for how he got inspired to write this short story him & his friend were walking where there were no pedestrians and the police told them to "go home and to not walk anymore". The pedestrian is the first part to his book f451.