To those who said the North Koreans had/have a point:
Over just the past three years I've been astounded and crushed to discover America is not the country in which I always thought I was living, it's every dystopia imagined by the most gifted and far-seeing writers from all times and places. As for either writers or ordinary citizens until now dismissed as being pessimistic if not paranoid, a disturbing number of them were right. What's alarming about the PC movement is the mandate to pretend everything many were already aware was not perfect in the past, but those familiar with history at least acknowledged, either did not in fact happen, or cannot be viewed in light of the times in which it took place. This spells the death of both historical writing and free thinking.
I've watched the first three episodes of the anime adaptation of a popular manga story, The Promised Neverland, and may continue with it. It's about a group of children aged 12 and younger who discover they are not, as they had believed, in an orphanage dedicated to helping them achieve their full potential, but a farm raising them as food for alien demons. What would until recently have passed as fantasy and very dark fantasy at that is a bit too close to real life. Without getting too political here, the current climate is the greatest crisis to democracy since the McCarthy movement.
The offended PCers are every bit as dangerous as those promoting notions that the sexism and racism of the past was the proper order of things.This message has been edited. Last edited by: dandelion,
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