A few words from a short story in progress? Or a paragraph from chapter 13 of your crime novel? McBain would approve.
And should there be Fear and Loathing in North Carolina, Weller is likely suspect. Not necessarily the usual suspects, since, as you say, he is a charming fellow. Notice any sneaky hand signals to undetermined locations in between his book signings? I met him once during a lecture in a silver-fish infested bookstore. Figured him for counter-intelligence spy. Later, a semi- convincing government mole.
You sound like your on your way to a beautiful mind. No car? Too bad. Ever drive a Nash?
What else can I say? Try, try, try to sleep. But, then, the persistent effort may keep you awake.
Posts: 439 | Location: Oak Park, IL | Registered: 19 July 2006
Tonight is 12:00 in Raleigh,NC. The concert was fantastic. Van Halen continues to rock. My ears are still ringing. My complaint is minimal... why so loud? I smell like a concert go-er.
Enough about my current fun..., back to Bradbury,, I am 1/2 way through Sam's bio on Razor B's book. It keeps me awake on the airplane. The chilling fact is no one gives a hoot. (?) He really did grow up as a sheltered child - amazed and brilliant. A great combo to becoming an astute author.
The next day someone dies, a spring mayfly mates and lives for a few weeks. They turn opposite each other and cling and fly off. Insects in sex. By the way , re-incarnation...I don't believe its my Indian buddy's great aunt trying to get to a higher plane. Only airplanes and spaceships get to a higher plane. Over and Out. -Hunter
Every time I drop by to read what's been going on here, I either have to re-program the part of my brain that looks for linear lines of reasoning, or else just suspend the thing entirely.
Somewhat along the lines of trying to read James Joyce...only different...
No reason for high oil costs. Plenty of oil in US. We just won't drill or refine.
Walking, as per Bradbury's "Pedestrian" is the cure for many of the things that ail us--both physical and mental. I recommend Henry Thoreau's essay, "Walking" for those interested in the topic.
Hope you are all well.
kvk. I'm a bit partial to linear reasoning, as well. Have a hard time making sense of some postings. But it takes all kinds to make the world work, and my lack of a creative edge doesn't diminish my appreciation of someone else's (I do want to be able to make sense of idea, though). Is pure randomness creativity or is it just random?
But, like in Back to the Future, I don't like to think in terms of limits. (Back to the Future: "Where we're going, there are no limits"). The suggestion that we solve our energy problem by cutting back is naive. As the third world grows, it will have massive energy demands. I doubt we can meet the food and energy needs of six billion people by "cutting back". We've read "Brave New World" and it is ugly.
We need to look forward, not back. Learn from the past, but move forward into the future.
On walking as a healthy lifestyle? Absolutely. On walking as a powerful spiritual aid? Absolutely.
Again, love Thoreau's essay referenced above.
Thanks for the quote. I need to learn my Latin.....
I took two years of Latin in High School. The only things I remember are too nasty to repeat, sayings that use the Latin phase to simulate the English meanings, ah, we were naughty boys then! Still are!
Posts: 847 | Location: Laguna Hills, CA USA | Registered: 02 January 2002