Mel Gibson...well. Another star pulled over for DUI or otherwise in trouble with the law. Celebrities are human, just like the rest of us. He doesn't have much of a police record that I know of, and will probably get a fine, probation, etc. If Gibson pulled out of 451, it was probably for one of two reasons: Either he didn't like the script, or the producers were trying to go cheap on production.
Posts: 349 | Location: Seattle, Washington State, USA | Registered: 20 July 2005
The DUI is not the problem . If you've read the accounts of the arrest you'll understand that it has to do with his comments he made while being arrested.
Posts: 439 | Location: Oak Park, IL | Registered: 19 July 2006
Drunk driving is an extremely serious offense. It's probably safe to say that everyone knows someone personally whose life has been negatively impacted by this. I hope Mel Gibson call pull his act together. John Denver was also arrested for drunk driving and look what happened to him just a few years later.
Regarding the action figure, you'll see that my original post was made over three years ago. I've since acquired this little beauty (?) on eBay. It's packed away, like so many other things, until display spaces can be worked out. (As Little Lord Fauntleroy would say, "suitable accommodations.") I just hope I can properly organize everything before the Action Figure Police learn just how many I really have and swoop in. Now, THAT could get ugly!
Posts: 7353 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001
.012. That's more than a couple beers. That's about a large glass of wine. Depends on how long after drinking that glass was the test taken. Not saying it isn't considered a serious offense nowadays (when you think, not that many years ago the cops sent you home and told you to sleep it off)'s what he said during the arrest. That's not an easy one to sleep off then or now. It's about the impact on the Jewish community. The impact as a respected person in the Christian community. I'd say he loves the Jewish people (you had to to make the kind of movie he made in 'The Passion')...and he loves God as he has discovered him in scripture. But people are flying from all sorts of angles in all the baggage they carry with them in their life.
A man who falls down on his knees after such an event and says he's stupid and honestly asks forgiveness, is troubled and wretched like all of humanity, but now human in the best attributes of what it means to be frail and the need to be restored.
(PS: Please don't compare John Denver with Mel Gibson. Two totally different people coming from absolutely opposing points of view on the meaning of life.)
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002
If one of my neighbors has a bad day and gets smeared-drunk, and gets stopped because they exercised bad judgement and decided to drive--well, their lives are impacted forever with public shame, higher insurance rates, possible loss of a job, and the knowledge that, God forbid, they might have hurt themselves or someone else.
Mr. Gibson will be publicly contrite, and open his wallet a bit.
Yet, be it Mr. Gibson or anyone else, it's the pain that caused the incident that bothers me. What suffering drives a person to risk everything? And, perhaps more importantly, why hasn't humanity learned to help its own, rather than subjecting individuals to public ridicule and disgrace?
I wish Mr. Gibson the best in his hopefully private recovery, just as I'd wish the same to anyone else.
Gibson's projects are now in trouble. Disney has cancelled one. And what's critics going to say about his forthcoming December movie epic? Hmm.This message has been edited. Last edited by: embroiderer,
Posts: 439 | Location: Oak Park, IL | Registered: 19 July 2006