For those who met him, but wish it could have been longer or more often, and for those who didn't but wish they had, from Ray's own Dandelion Wine:
How do I thank Mr. Jonas, he wondered, for what he's done? How do I thank him, how pay him back? No way, no way at all. You just can't pay. What then? What? Pass it on somehow, he thought, pass it on to someone else. Keep the chain moving. Look around, find someone, and pass it on. That was the only way....
Posts: 7358 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001
Thanks, but it was by no means accidental. For some time I'd felt "time running out" (to make a brilliant impression on the world while Ray was still here to witness it) and he thoughtfully provided this--written before I was born, of course! It gives me incentive to keep trying though my first goal was to have something in hand to present to him.
Posts: 7358 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001