Recently, Nard and grasstains have brought up older topics; many, many thanks. Being new here, I thought I'd look around in the older stuff too, hoping to find something I've been interested in asking everyone. Unfortunately, I couldn't really find what I was looking for.
So, to everyone, I'd offer this: If you could ask Ray one question, and know the truth of his heart and soul in his answer, what would you ask? What single question, answered, would make your day?
I think I'd ask, "What got you through the hard times?" Here's wishing I could hear the answer.
What fascinates me about Ray is that in spite of all his long success, he has remained so amazingly grounded. He was married for years, he has lived in the same ordinary-looking house for almost 50 years.
I'd like to ask how, in spite of his long success and impressive talents, he has remained so grounded and accessible.
I once asked my mom, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Her answer was short, simple, and incredible. "To teach us compassion."
A world without tragedy, is a world without compassion. Imagine how self-centered all of us would be if we knew everything was going to be alright, all the time and for everyone.
I think I would ask Ray the same question and see what his answer would be.
I'd ask him if he thought he wasted his life writing books as opposed to doing something else. Was he content writing, or was there something else he would rather do?
After careful consideration, I gotta go with ravenswake with a nod to grasstains. Certainly Ray has been through hard times throughout life, particularly recently with a string of serious losses. HOW did he get through these without becoming bitter, given that he seems to have no hard and fast concept of a Higher Power directing things? A Higher Power creating things, possibly, but a Higher Power with a design or plan for events? Without such a Higher Power, WHERE does the compassion come from? I can name at least two other people who weren't all sort of nebulous about this question like Ray, they were (they claimed) confirmed atheists, and two of the nicest guys you could ever know! One is over the age of 80 and the other would be if he hadn't been killed. I think if I didn't believe in God, I would have checked in around age 20, the world being pretty bleak as it is, even with God.
Posts: 7358 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001
I think Ray sees the creative act as a higher power, so there is no reason for cynicism. Through the creative act, we participate in creation. I also am pretty sure he has been VERY happy as a writer. He has said so over and over again.
I think the compassion comes from love. He is a guy who loves. He loves his family, his friends, ideas, literature, life. He loves, and is thus compassionate. Look at the characters he grew up with. Look at the lifelong friends he has!
[This message has been edited by Mr. Dark (edited 08-23-2004).]
I agree with Mr. Dark. Ray has no ego. That is to say that he is not hung up on himself as some people are. When I call him he makes me feel so important and thanks me for calling and that it was nice to hear my voice. Of all people, Ray certainly wouldn't have to say this to me, but throughout the 37 years that I have corresponded and talked with him, he has remained a very humble person and has been so kind. I think that his humble beginnings and the fact that things didn't just come to him right away (fame and fortune that is) in fact he states that he didn't even own a car until he was 37 years old.
With his being in the hospital on his birthday I, as others will do so as well, only hope that his strong will to live will sustain him through this period.
Posts: 1525 | Location: Sunrise, FL, USA | Registered: 28 June 2004
I agree with you all. Ray is an inspiring person. To hear of someone with no ego and so much compassion (esp. when they are faced with so many opportunities to increase their ego and be bitter with life) isn't all that common any more. I admire him as a person, but I also admire Ray very much as a writer. If I could ask him one question it would be, "How do predict the future?" I can't get over all the things that he has written in F451 that didn't exsit then, but have come to life since. That's just incredible.