The PARIS REVIEW published an essay by writer Margaret Atwood, dated August 15, 2017, titled, "Voyage to the Otherworld: A New Eulogy for Ray Bradbury". Ms. Atwood is a long-time admirer of Ray's writing. A link to her essay is noted below:
My favorite part of Ms. Atwood's eulogy for Ray is the very last paragraph. So true!
"Ray Bradbury saw his writing as a way of living on after his death, and it will certainly perform that service. But then there’s Bradbury as a person. All who knew Bradbury testify to his generosity toward others. His imagination had a dark side, and he used that dark twin and its nightmares in his work; but to the waking world, he presented a combination of eager, wonder-filled boy and kindly uncle, and that was just as real. In an age of writing classes, he was self-taught; in an age of spin, his was an authentic voice, straight from the heartland; in an age of groomed images, he was a natural."