Is anyone familiar with a poem that Bradbury wrote about his mother?
"Sometimes, gone late at night...I would awake to hear my mother in another time and place...." I am trying to learn more about this poem, when it was written, etc. Would appreciate any response.
The poem you are looking for is "That Woman on the Lawn." You can find it in several of Ray's poetry collections, including WHEN ELEPHANTS LAST IN THE DOORYARD BLOOMED, THE COMPLETE POEMS OF RAY BRADBURY and THEY HAVE NOT SEEN THE STARS.
For those of you who have a copy of the (Kubrick / AC Clarke) movie 2001: A Space Odyssey and the (RB) poem They Have Not Seen the Stars, watch the first half hour of the movie (from apemen to the opening space station scenes) and then give the poem a couple of read throughs. See what you think!?
I just did this with my DL HS SF class. They were impressed by the parallels. Me too!
deep, yet I dont entirely understand, man cares bout his Ma, cool. Great philosphiphy (yup, misspelleded it) with the stars and time, it is interesting, yet not hard to think up after sniffing glue ( just kidding)
"In a hole in the ground...."
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