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An unrighteous theft
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Thanks for the warm welcome, I cannot beleive so many people have written anti-RB mail! I think that RB is great! I want him to speak at our HS graduation this year, guess who spoke at class of 2004?!?! Anyone know!!!- thats right it was the big fat stupid white man- michael moore.
Posts: 47 | Location: la jolla, ca USA | Registered: 13 July 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by el stevieboy:
im so happy to find someone who agrees with me about his whole micheal moore deal airjesse123. this whole board is full of people who suck in everything he says as truth. when in reality its as far from the truth as u can get. and i am also i highschool student jesse. its good to see that people like myself still are out there.

ps i just bought my new micheal moore is fat t-shirt from www.glennbeck.com i suggest everyone picks one up because well he is fat. and a liar. nothing more.

wow....i stopped posting here for a little while becuase, well, i have a life and it doesnt revolve around telling people on forums my email schedules....but everytime i peak in here to see how the proverbial gears are turning i find a whole lot of ignorant "liberal" bashing....i have already posted on here how hypocritical a lot of the liberal bashers on this forum are.....and i wouldnt really care anymore so with this post than with all the other "michael-moore-is-a-monster-who-wants-to-desecrate-jesus's-corpse-with-his \-deadly-think-rays" posts........but the fact that people actually walk around wearing t-shirts that announce MICHAEL MOORE IS FAT! has got so many things wrong with it that i am afraid of how many faults people dont see in it morally and intellectually.....

1. his weight has absolutely nothing to do with his ability to make a good/bad commentary on the state of the world...

2. The fact that liberal bashers wear this shirt as if they are making a great point is SO incredibly hyprocritical (i. e. the fact that everyone was naysaying the "liberals" on this site for bringing up the fact that Ray Bradbury is old....)

3. It would be like if i said George Bush is a terrible person because he has squinty eyes. Instead of using the fact that he starts wars with countries that pose no threat, has increased the gap between the poor and the rich in america, or becuase his foreign policy and the policies of his administration are driving america between a rock and a hard place...

I am gonna get some sleep now....I just cant wait to see how many wonderful and thought provoking responses i get!!
Posts: 70 | Location: US | Registered: 08 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Excellent! This is very well written and I agree with you. Keep thinking for yourself. But don't forget to capitalize!!! These message boards and chat rooms are killing writing skills!
Posts: 28 | Location: Wilkes-Barre, PA USA | Registered: 15 July 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thormachine: We've exchanged opposing viewpoints on this forum and would again. I notice you didn't pick on this kind of posting when it was anti-Bradbury. Hmmmmm.

As to fjpalumbo's comment. I think that a lot of the rising generation are a pretty impressive lot. I posted somewhere else in these forums how I feel about them when I get to sit in class with them.

I think these kinds of bulletin boards -- with their often shallow thinking, their anonymity, their terrible spelling and grammar, and their hasty responses and lack of research -- don't reflect a lot of the young people I encounter in my classes.

I also like that "liberal-bashing" is always ignorant, but apparently "conservative-bashing" is always insightful and intelligent.

There are extremists on both sides of the aisle. There are intelligent and thoughtful people on both sides of the aisle.

[This message has been edited by Mr. Dark (edited 07-16-2004).]
Posts: 2769 | Location: McKinney, Texas | Registered: 11 May 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Christ, why the chaos. I don't Liberal-bash, in fact my whole family is Liberal and I always pay attention to them and take their opinions into consideration. My cousin is homosexual, my uncle an attorney against the death penalty. My whole family is liberal. I am not by any means a radical conservative, I just happen to agree with Bradbury on his criticisms of Moore as a theif.

Thanks for listening,
La Jolla High School
Posts: 47 | Location: la jolla, ca USA | Registered: 13 July 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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aj123, hang in there. This board is a minefield, but it will always take/reflect the
diverse fans of Ray Bradbury. Welcome aboard, get ready for a good ride. The times are a changing, and Bradury saw so much of it coming!
That is what makes it fun.
Posts: 247 | Location: Utah, U.S.A. | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Er, welcome back, I guess. I'm with Mr. Dark in that you have no problem bashing conservatives but seem a bit reluctant to do so with liberals. Care to elaborate why that is?


Posts: 614 | Location: Oklahoma City, OK | Registered: 30 April 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Nothing Moore can do would ever take away from me the pleasure I have had reading Ray Bradbury's books.

It was a cheap shot by Moore to get early recognition for his project, at someone else's expense.

It will be a shame if those who never read the book assume that Moore's pseudo-documentary is in any way related to the orgiginal.

A hundred years from now it won't matter. Bradbury's books will be in librarys (along with Asimov, Heinlein, Dick, etc.) while Moore's work will be at most a footnote.

Bradbury's work will endure because it says something important and says it well.

Moore's work is simply sensational yellow journalism with little or no value beyond the ephimeral buzz he manages to stage for himself.
Posts: 1 | Location: NYS | Registered: 16 July 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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wait a minute thormachine. nothin i said in my post is anything but the truth. micheal moore is fat. u cant deny that. he is obese. and it is my right to wear that shirt just as much as it is for u to come on here and tell me how "ignorant" i am for doing so.

yes mr. Bradbury is old. but why is it that libs like yourself as u implyed in your post and some other people that have your same views say that since mr. Bradbury is old he has no clue about what he is talking about. you think that since he is old he cant think for himself and hes insane. but i bet that is far from the truth. mr. Bradbury seems at the top of his game and staying sharp with retorts like he has put against moore. when i grow up I wish that i could he half as intellegent as mr. Bradbury. you can learn for your elders keep that in mind.

hypothetically lets say. you are a huge socialist liberal. and instead of mike moore making that horrible film. sean hannity made it. and called it the same title. same situation. i bet u would be singing a totally diffrent tune if that movie had a conservative backing instead of being that of socialism. you would be in an uproar ohh its horrible that he did that. its evil republicans like this blah blah blah. think about it.

you- 3. It would be like if i said George Bush is a terrible person because he has squinty eyes. Instead of using the fact that he starts wars with countries that pose no threat, has increased the gap between the poor and the rich in america, or becuase his foreign policy and the policies of his administration are driving america between a rock and a hard place...

me- i guess u call sarin nerve gas and 2 tons of uranium no threat....naaaa i guess ur right.. uranium isnt for nuclear weapons or anything. and i guess tax cut across the board for ALL americans is makin the poor poorer right. get some facts and bring that back to me. its almost pathetic that people believe liberal media without researching anything for themselves.

ps. an ohh yea about my shirt. i guess u just cant take a joke. whats the diffrence between that and the bush shirts ive seen that say "buck fush"....how intellectual is that. whos the hypocrite now.

oh an p.s.s. if your not to close minded thormachine. i suggest u check this link out......i doubt u acknowledge any of it as truth even though its all quotes from your hero micheal moore himself. http://www.scaryjohnkerry.com/moore.htm

[This message has been edited by el stevieboy (edited 07-16-2004).]
Posts: 38 | Location: kenova WV USA | Registered: 11 May 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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El Stevie,
Do you have to be a socialist to be a liberal? Do you have to be a liberal to be a socialist? Do you even know what those terms mean, or are they just words mommy and daddy use when they fight?
And wearing a shirt which says anybody is fat makes more of a statement about the wearer than of the subject.
Also, if you are not e.e.cummings, fix your shift key.
Posts: 14 | Location: San Antonio | Registered: 20 October 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by robot dog:
El Stevie,
Do you have to be a socialist to be a liberal? Do you have to be a liberal to be a socialist? Do you even know what those terms mean, or are they just words mommy and daddy use when they fight?
And wearing a shirt which says anybody is fat makes more of a statement about the wearer than of the subject.
Also, if you are not e.e.cummings, fix your shift key.

first off robot tell me what the diffrence between a liberal and a socialist is. there is a very fine line. unversal healthcare, both liberal and socialist. in the 1970s senator kennedy proposed a bill to ban all public ownership of handguns. thank god it didnt pass. but humm britian are almost a socialist country and look they cant own guns. so is there really a diffrence you tell me.

obviously u cant understand humor either. the shirt is ment to be funny. and what kinda statment is it saying about me. does it imply that i tell the truth?? because 320 pounds which is his weight is rather obese. so its the truth. so thanks for proving my point that i tell the truth. i appreciate it.

[This message has been edited by el stevieboy (edited 07-18-2004).]
Posts: 38 | Location: kenova WV USA | Registered: 11 May 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I was just joking with airjesse about capitalizing "I" but this Stevieboy person writes pure drivel. I know how popular it is to write this way in chat rooms and boards but it ends up reflecting the writing skills of people. It is not that difficult to take the time to write properly. This is what makes it difficult for teachers today to teach proper writing. I know, since I teach English. Kids are exposed to this garbage writing so young, the bad habits are hard to break. You are on a site about one of the greatest writers in history. Out of respect to him, clean it up.

Robot Dog: That's a great name and a great comment about e.e. cummings, which I am sure went over Stevie's head.
Posts: 28 | Location: Wilkes-Barre, PA USA | Registered: 15 July 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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What's really humbling is how much better speakers of native languages other than English write than so many English-speaking natives! Professor Henry Higgins would be throwing a FIT!
Posts: 7353 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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just to let u know that comment about E.E. Cummings did not go over my head. he is one of my favorite American poets. and he is very famous for hardly captializing anything. i do learn things in school ya know. oh and apparently you people are so knowledgeable maybe u can help me. my teacher told me that Cummings had his name legalized to be e.e. cummings instead of of E.E. Cummings but i dont think he did. did he? i didnt even think u could do such a thing like make your name have no caps in it.

[This message has been edited by el stevieboy (edited 07-19-2004).]
Posts: 38 | Location: kenova WV USA | Registered: 11 May 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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As Higgins says in the song,"...in America, they haven't spoken it [English] in years!"
exempli gratia,: the modern West Coast English for, "...and I was greatly astonished..." could be, "...and I'm all, like, whoa!..."
One will often hear the argument, "language is a living thing and is constantly changing", to which I reply, "Yes, and like other living things, it can sicken and die!"
I often return to the classic authors like Poe, who were masters of the usage of English...

[This message has been edited by Braling II (edited 07-19-2004).]
Posts: 3169 | Location: Box in Braling I's cellar | Registered: 02 July 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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