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I am done with this thread. I am tired of attempting to have a civil conversation, and then seeing others (in particular, dandelion) be completely incapable of keeping their position separate from their ego so that if their position is shot down, their ego does not go down with it. In your most recent post, dandelion, you said that "people are innocent until proven guilty" when speaking about Hillary Clinton, yet in your previous post you stated with certainty that Donald Trump "... openly attacked any female he felt like utterly without consent. This has happened twenty times just according to those willing to talk". In addition, you claim with certainty that "Trump's theft by fraud and lying is far more widespread than Clinton's," yet you provide no evidence of such theft and fraud. Finally, you claim with certainty that Donald Trump tied up and raped a 12 year old girl ... because you, presumably, um ... read it on the internet??? Innocent until proven guilty, indeed. I could go on, like pointing out the fallacy in your Bill "... Clinton merely propositioned women, some of whom took him up on it" line of thought. Let's start with Monica Lewinsky, who was not just a woman he propositioned ... she was a White House intern, an employee over whom he was in a position of power. He would not have had a serious long term legal problem with that if he had not then lied to a grand jury (which, incidentally, was why he was impeached). In parting, be advised that Norway is a lovely place to visit -- I strongly recommend it if you have the means, and living there would be quite nice as well ... for now. But it is not the workers' paradise that you seem to envision. I still have several friends in Norway who are in the Norwegian Air Force, and they are having immense issues that have not been seen there before, partly (largely?) because the strong work ethic that has always been a part of Norwegian culture is heaving its final dying breaths. The younger generations are perfectly content to survive off of what the government provides by confiscating an ever growing portion of the fruits of the labors of those who are actually productive. In addition, a large influx of immigrants from the Middle East who do not bring along a work ethic have placed enormous strains on an already strapped social welfare system. The utopia is an illusion, and there is no light at the end of that tunnel. No need to respond to this message, as I will not read your response. I wish all who might continue to perpetuate this thread the best, and my hope for you is that you come to the realization that life is just too short to expend so much time and energy on hating those with whom you disagree. Wouldn't it be preferable to simply state your differences, perhaps agree to disagree, and at the end of the conversation shake hands and say "farewell"? ******************************************************* He said, "You're -- You're not waiting anymore, are you, Chris?" | ||||
He probably just meant that he wanted Forrest J Ackerman to manage them. Without Uncle 4E's management, no more funding! "Live Forever!" | ||||
Or someone named Forrest should fire him. | ||||
![]() HOW CAN IT BE that in 2008 there were TWO candidates I liked, and actually had to make a CHOICE between McCain and Obama? Since the death of McCain there is NOTHING to like or admire in ANY Republican (okay, the last Republican besides McCain who I admired or liked was Nixon just before he was exposed as a crook), and for people who assume I like the Democrats: I DON'T! To me Hillary Clinton was a CLEAR CHOICE between the lesser of two evils, and the Democrats are almost equally guilty of causing the current crisis for having nominated her. One of my sister's chief objections to McCain was his age, and now we have two creaking geezers running who are older than the senile walking disaster making a train wreck of all things American! If not ONE DECENT CANDIDATE emerges in 2020, I'm afraid America's days may be over. | ||||
Really? ![]() | ||||
And now a Trump clone and worse has been elected British Prime Minister! It's the Russians, stupid. https://www.reuters.com/articl...m-race-idUSKCN1UE1WO | ||||
What Gore Vidal termed "The United States of Amnesia," but far from confined to America. ![]() | ||||
FINALLY at least an impeachment inquiry is underway! My huge shock on election night was that this stinking sack of garbage could be elected president of this country I once loved and admired, even by mistake or accident. The additional shock was that the situation wasn't immediately recognized as the disaster it is and impeachment proceedings initiated as quickly as possible. It was like leaving a burning house on fire or not stopping a burst dam, only on a national and international level, and that's just politically, not to mention the environmental devastation. The third shock was finding out people I had assumed were normal are apparently zombies whose brains were eaten by Republicans. When I tried to express this, it was misinterpreted as some great devotion to Hillary Clinton when the Democrats are almost as much to blame for this intolerable mess as the Republicans are. Other than that, sure, everything's fine! Speaking of this, I've been wondering if impeachment proceedings could have begun the minute the walking disaster was elected or if it had to wait till he took the oath of office. It certainly should have been no longer!This message has been edited. Last edited by: dandelion, | ||||
Embarrassingly unbalanced. Perhaps the greatest abuse of power in our history. I think it's time to simply remove this particular thread from the RB board. Not that it's censorship, but because it is irrelevant to the intent of this board. | ||||
Thank you for commenting. Your first two sentences are so perfectly spot on I was truly hoping you'd at last been enlightened, but alas, the third sentence blows it. I spent time today wondering can we simply skip this whole impeachment charade and just "Go to Jail, Go Directly to Jail, Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200.00," but sadly it would seem not. https://www.npr.org/2018/08/22...d-states-be-indicted I really hope we as a nation and the world don't have to put up with another year of this outrageous mistreatment. I have not had an easy moment since November 8 of 2016 and can't take much more! Still if that's what it takes I want to see the abuser in chief remain healthy so he can face the consequences of his many misdeeds once out of office by whatever means. | ||||
You want relevance to literature in general and Bradbury in particular? Here you go. This quote is from Philip Roth, author of one of the books referenced in the Guardian article below: ![]() Here is an article all about Bradbury's works and the current situation: https://jamisonwrites.com/2017...mp-and-ray-bradbury/ I wasn't the only one to come up with "A Sound of Thunder": https://www.dailykos.com/stori...edicted-Donald-Trump If I didn't mention before that basically everybody capable of being enlightened needs to watch The Keeper of the Flame I am saying it now as is this fine writer: https://www.theguardian.com/bo...scist-future-fiction For those who won't believe a word I say, and wonder why they should care if America goes down the tubes, perhaps you'll heed the following essay. Although I'm impressed with how long America has been able to survive even as well as it has with no president, I've been screaming since Day One when people from other countries ask why American politics should be of interest to them: do you REALLY want to see America COMPLETELY destroyed? How well would westernized countries survive in a world controlled by Russia and China? Because that's what you will get if America is allowed to be run down! You will miss many many things in your life once they are gone even if you never visit America. Don't complain you weren't warned. https://eand.co/why-america-is...ollapse-ff79e70af9cf The scariest thing, though, is the story of Ray's I keep channeling is none of the above but "Night Call, Collect," only in this version it isn't the cruel young man taunting the older one, but the older man in his senile dotage rejecting the wisdom the younger has so freely dispensed and claiming to like Trump! Ray did make some very strange and sometimes contradictory historical and political statements, but we have no idea of what his take on the current situation might be unless he had lived a bit longer. And I would feel obliged to argue this even with him should the situation arise. | ||||
Wonderful Happy Holidays and a Great Day for anyone who cares about the survival of the United States, world democracy, the environment, and human rights! Thank you to anyone and everyone who made the Christmas dream of myself and millions of others come true! Of course, this makes the fourth Christmas I've been praying, but good things come to those who wait! After holding my breath for over three years, fresh air is a welcome and great relief! ![]() | ||||
Silly me for believing the blight on humanity should have been impeached immediately on entering office, or that delays may have resulted due to fears of the vice president being worse. Obviously someone was farsighted enough to see an impeachment inquiry would provoke World War III and now it is happening, very tragic indeed. No doubt whoever feared this is not pleased to have been proven right. | ||||
Did you hear about it? About what? Way in the Middle of the Air is one of my favorite of RB's stories. Look! "Live Forever!" | ||||
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