Scott Edelman is a very fine writer of science fiction, fantasy and horror. In one of his short stories, he imagined about what had become of Mr. Electrico after his long ago, fateful meeting with a young Ray Bradbury at a carnival in Waukegan, Illinois. It's a fine story. To read "The Final Charge of Mr. Electrico" by Scott Edelman, click on the link below:
In May of 2018, at Balticon, the annual Baltimore Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention, writer Scott Edelman read for his audience "The Final Charge of Mr. Electrico", his short story tribute to Ray Bradbury. Even if you have read the printed version (which can be accessed by the link in the posting above), it's still a treat to hear Mr. Edelman read his work. To view a video of Mr. Edelman at that 2018 Balticon reading, just click on the link below: