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No prob, G! Pterran, "you think that corporate greed in america is something that those crafty leftists made up? do you think that global warming is bullshit made up by hippies to stop companies from making profits? do you beleive everything that george bush says no matter how many gramatical errors he slurs through or how idiotically he squints his eyes at the teleprompter? If so, then you my freind are one of the masses of money hungry ignorant shitheads that our capitalist representative democracy has pumped out over the years." ---That is not an ignorant viewpoint. The message may be riddled with expletives, and the style crude and unrefined, but the message is not igonrant. 1) He is aware of the fact that corporate greed is not bogus/ 2) He is aware that global warming is real and happening. 3) He tries to question (I think), the blind belief in Bush's words. 4) He attributes those drawbacks to the philosphies behind capitalism and the democracy as presented by the american system. Ignorant? I think not. Cheers, Tarnslator Lem Reader | ||||
One of my colleagues and I were talking about our favorite books, the ones that influenced us growing up. The one book that has shaped the way I see the world the most was probably Dandelion Wine which I read back in the 7th grade. Remembering how much that book meant to me made me want to find out what RB has been up to in the intervening years since I kept up with his career. That's how I find myself at this website. When I found the message board I was looking forward to a friendly, collegial conversation about Mr. Bradbury and his work. I'm disappointed to see the vitriol that the obvious long-time contributors to the board direct at posters who don't necessarily agree with some of the eccentric positions Mr. B espouses and which, I suppose, the old timers hold as well. Mr. Dark, in particular, seems to be particulary nasty. I don't post to boards like this very often. I don't visit them very often anymore either because my hopes for good-natured dialog are usually dashed at the hateful, vicious tone perfect strangers use with each other. For the record Mr. Bradbury said: "Michael Moore is a screwed asshole, that is what I think about that case. He stole my title and changed the numbers without ever asking me for permission." And: "He didn't ask my permission," Bradbury, 83, told The Associated Press on Friday. "That's not his novel, that's not his title, so he shouldn't have done it." Bradbury was out of line and had no right to demand permission from anyone. If Moore, as a courtesy, chose to ask Mr. Bradbury for his permission, that would be fine. Based on Bradbury's admiration for Bush I suspect permission would've been refused. Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Don't worry Mr. Dark, this is my only post. I won't be back to intrude on your little fiefdom. | ||||
Mr. Dark, You win the award for the most efficient alienation of a new poster. ![]() Redjellydonut, I don't understand how someone who claims to have spent so much time on this board could come away with such an impression. Once again, to re-state history, it was the Michael Moore supporters who invaded our peaceful little garden. When they were challenged, they ran off crying censorship rather than supporting their views. By the way, Mr. Dark is one of the most eloquent posters on this board. Don't agree with him about Michael Moore? Fine. Dig deeper for his analysis on Bradbury and watch a fine mind at work. I think if you chose to engage him on that level you'd be immensely rewarded. Best, Pete | ||||
Has Bradbury ever stated any opinion on Bush? | ||||
dandelion, not that I know of, Bradbury is a registered independent according to several sources -j [This message has been edited by airjesse123 (edited 08-05-2004).] | ||||
From Salon: What do you think of President Bush? He's wonderful. We needed him. Clinton is a shithead and we're glad to be rid of him. And I'm not talking about his sexual exploits. I think we have a chance to do something about education, very important. We should have done it years ago. It doesn't matter who does it -- Democrats or Republicans -- but it's long overdue. Our education system is a monstrosity. We need to go back and rebuild kindergarten and first grade and teach reading and writing to everybody, all colors, and then the whole structure of our education will change because people will know how to read and write. | ||||
I said I wouldn't post again didn't I? My bad. | ||||
"When I found the message board I was looking forward to a friendly, collegial conversation about Mr. Bradbury and his work. I'm disappointed to see the vitriol that the obvious long-time contributors to the board direct at posters who don't necessarily agree with some of the eccentric positions Mr. B espouses and which, I suppose, the old timers hold as well. Mr. Dark, in particular, seems to be particulary nasty." RedJellyDonut: I challenge you to go through these threads and show me where I started a thread where I was nasty to anyone. People have invaded these boards over the last few months. The degradation of the conversation has been a result of that crude, tasteless invasion of a site that was a haven from garbage for a long time. | ||||
Terribly unfair to single you out. My apologies. The nastiness is pervasive and not a attributable to you alone. | ||||
Does anyone remember Live Aid back in the 80's. The generation gap was so wide at the concert that people who were at Woodstock sat next to girls who actually complained that The Beach Boys were playing a David Lee Roth song, (California Girls). They did not understand that Roth remade the song, (since he could do nothing with out the rest of Van Halen on his own). The point is that the girl made this mistake because she was aware of the current version. This is similar to the Bradbury stance. There are a lot of young people who have never heard of F-451, but have heard of MMs silly little film. Bradbury does not want the CORRELATION to be made. It isn't an issue of copyright. | ||||
well thormachine if you call 1 degree mean temperature increase over a period of 100 years as global warming be my guest. global warming is way overplayed, lightning creats ozone so does sunlight, I know we burn millions of gallons of fossil fuels per day, but yet global warming is overworked and peopel are getting sick of it. Ill continue to drive my SUV and guzzle that gas and make that hole bigger for you, ok?? I would like to know why you can come on here and throw out all these acusations (sp) without any kind of proof to back it up. I would like to know why when you spew these hate filled posts without any proof to back them up it is viewed as insightful and intellegent,but when I tell the truth that Mike Moore hates America as he has said many times, that he is obese and that his movies are all propoganda and he stretchs the truth to the point it breaks, this is viwed as hate filled, mean spirited, and im just a stupid conservative with old fashioned values, and they think I sit around with my thumb up my ass. liberals are the most hypocritical people I have ever met when it comes to this. They cant stand the fact that someone would actually come out and tell the truth about that fat slob. People that take his movies as the gospel (yes thats right, im a southern baptist I believe in the one true God and am proud of it) really need to re-examine the facts. http://www.scaryjohnkerry.com/moore.htm that link might provide some insight into the hate that this man has for America [This message has been edited by el stevieboy (edited 08-07-2004).] | ||||
Bill Wattenberg, P.H.D. has some great stuff on global warming on his pushback.com site (q.v.). | ||||
well thormachine if you call 1 degree mean temperature increase over a period of 100 years as global warming be my guest. ---1)Where are you getting those numbers from? They're wrong. 2) 1 degree differences can an do cause great changes to the environment. Read up on scinece (especially biology). global warming is way overplayed, lightning creats ozone so does sunlight, I know we burn millions of gallons of fossil fuels per day, but yet global warming is overworked and peopel are getting sick of it. Ill continue to drive my SUV and guzzle that gas and make that hole bigger for you, ok?? -----HOLLY CRAP, READ SCIENCE! NOW! RUN, MAN, RUN! Ozone has nothing to do with global warming! The hole in the ozone layer is cause by things that contain cfc's (like freon), which lets energy pass to earth that would normally not pass to earth (in the UV band - both low and high). That gives you cancer (process is that the UV rays break up your dna, and when it recombines, it recombines incorrectly, giving you tumours). Global Warming has to do wit CO2 levels, sulphour, and other opaqe gasses that trap sunlight (energy) in our system for a longer period of time. Look at Venus and its atmosphere if you want to see what Earth will become if global warming doesn't stop (ice melts - gasses in the ice (from the rotting alagea) are released - gasses are greenhouse gasses - the system gains momentum, and we all fry in 100 kelvin temperatures). Of course, if we first don't drown in the elevated water levels, or don't get blown away by the hurricanes that will form. This is why I hate ignortants. They have no clue about elementary science, anf=d then posit that that scientific things are overblown. I can't answer the rest - I'll start swearing or something. Cheers, Translator Lem Reader | ||||
wow translator that sounds like the script from that shittacular movie the day after tomorrow. that hurricanes and crap will never happen. get real. its all a ploy from the liberal media. christ is coming back for the church soon anyways. do you even read the Bible? it says that when Isreal becomes its own nation that generation will not pass before christ returns for the church. the time is coming my friend. are you ready? [This message has been edited by el stevieboy (edited 08-08-2004).] | ||||
wow..... yeah....im out.....you guys can bible thump til you die for all i care [This message has been edited by thormachine (edited 08-08-2004).] .................God o' <br />Thunder........... | ||||
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