Здравствуйте! Поклонники Вашего творчества из России поздравляют Вас, мистер Брэдбери, со столь знаменательным юбилеем. Желаем железного здоровья Вам и вашей семье. Всех благ Вам. Мы счастливы, что у нас есть Вы и Ваши книги. Спасибо!
Another joyful birthday wish to you, Mr. Bradbury. The first book of your writing that I read was "The Martian Chronicles", and I wanted to have a house like one of theirs. "Something Wicked This Way Comes" had me enthralled: I thought I knew these people, and I do know tamer carnivals well. "Dandelion Wine" was a summer that recalled one of mine, though a girl, and somewhat different. I could see, taste, and hear in all your stories, and I'm very glad you did not write "Dracula"!! I thank you for all the ways you've pleased and prodded my thinking. Twelve is a great age!